Experiments with Taichi Language for 3d EM visualization and image processing.
Main routines for various apps are files with app_
The path tracing rendering implementation was taken from the excellent Taichi
Voxel Challenge repository. An attempt was made to use Bell's virtual trackball
algorithm instead of the original voxel challenge tracking system, and the
look at
point is the center of the 3d data so rotations are about its center.
- Install taichi
pip install taichi
- Download the grayscale data from Dropbox and store it into the
256 x 256 x 256 voxel cube -- use preferentially since code assumes it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5jp36gat2ipf4g2ni7ig2/hemibrain_subvol_256x256x256.bin?rlkey=keey6wehk8qby75ht2blmcx0c&dl=0
512 x 512 x 512 voxel cube. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ftefxipjajmnfo37glsa3/hemibrain_subvol_512x512x512.bin?dl=0&rlkey=ejgtgfc9ajexe26e5jc6wksw9
- Run one of the main files which start with
python app_pathtrace.py