Since july 2019 does not allow to expose new items (, and we can not use IFTTT Openhab Service with new items.
So OpenHAB IFTTT Gateway provide a convenient and secure replacement to expose Openhab Items to IFTTT Webhooks (or other http client).
- Does not required to expose your Openhab server to internet (only this gateway need to be exposed)
- Does not require openhab-cloud ( or personnal openhab-cloud)
- Can be used for any http client (not limited to IFTTT)
- Expose only selected Items (with openhab TAG)
- Use only OpenHAB Rest API (internally)
- Very light, easy to understand and secure (writen in JS for NodeJS)
- Using it for IFTTT, you will need an IFTTT Account IFTTT Webhooks
- For optimum security purpose : Please use HTTPS for exposing this gateway to internet (I personnlay use a reverse proxy with a DNS and a valid certificate)
This gateway has to be able to reach your openhab server and to be exposed on internet. You can install it on the side of your openhab server (thus if you use openhabian nodejs is already running)
At first you will need GIT / NodeJS and NPM
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git nodejs npm
- Clone this project (where ever you want)
git clone
- Configure
Open with a text editor the file config.json and change the few variables for your needs (be sure to change the token value)
"server": {
"port": 10000, // Gateway port
"hostname": "" // hostname for the server (default : for all)
"openhab": {
"uri": "http://openhab:8080/", // the URI for your openhabserver
"tag": "IFTTT" // The tag to use to expose your items
"secret": "TheSecretTokenOfYourChoice" // The secret token for your gateway call
- Install
Run the NPM install command :
npm install
- Run
Start the gateway with :
node index.js
To start as a service see bellow : "Extra : Start as a service"
Note : The openhab-ifttt-gateway is not required for sending command to IFTTT
First get your IFTTT Webhooks Key here -> Documentation (when logged in)
For sending command to IFTTT you need a custom OpenHAB Item and Rule (recommanded)
ifttt.rules (Be sure to change your iftttKey)
var String iftttKey = "change-me"
rule "Send IFTTT_OUT Command"
Item IFTTT_OUT received command
var iftttCommand = receivedCommand
if(iftttCommand != "") {
logInfo("IFTTT_OUT", "IFTTT send command : "+iftttCommand)
var response = sendHttpGetRequest(""+iftttCommand+"/with/key/"+iftttKey)
logInfo("IFTTT_OUT", "IFTTT sent response : "+response)
In IFTTT configure your trigger :
- Choose the service "Webhooks"
- Receive a web request
- Event Name - The event name of your choice
Then to send from openhab the event name (in rules or sitemaps) :
This part require the gateway up and running !
Add the tag (default : IFTTT) to your items, which you want to exposed by the gateway
With IFTTT configure your action :
- Choose the service "Webhooks"
- Make a web request
- URL : 'http://yourgatewayexternalip:port/' - Method : 'POST' - Content Type : 'application/json' - Body : '{"token": "yourGwToken", "item": "IFTTT_IN", "command": "COMMAND"}'
Then you can make your openhab rules from IFTTT_IN :
rule "Receive IFTTT_IN Command"
Item IFTTT_IN received command
var iftttCommand = receivedCommand
logInfo("IFTTT_IN", "IFTTT receive command : "+iftttCommand)
With PM2 you can run the gateway as a service :
First install PM2
sudo npm install -g pm2
And then add the gateway as a service with this commands
pm2 startup
pm2 start index.js
pm2 save