qFP16 : Q16.16 Fixed-point math
- Basic operations
- Trigonometric functions
- Exponential functions
qSSmoother : Filters to smooth noisy signals
: Low Pass Filter Order 1LPF2
: Low Pass Filter Order 2MWM1
: Moving Window Median O(n)MWM2
: Moving Window Median O(1): With TDL(works efficient for large windows)MOR1
: Moving Outlier Removal O(n)MOR2
: Moving Outlier Removal O(1): With TDL(works efficient for large windows)GMWF
: Gaussian filterKLMN
: Scalar Kalman filterEXPW
: Exponential weighting filter
qPID : Closed Loop PID Controller
- Derivative filter
- Anti-Windup
- Tracking Mode
- Auto-tunning
qLTISys : Recursive LTI systems evaluation by transfer functions
- Continuous
- Discrete
qCRC : Generic Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculator
- CRC8
- CRC16
- CRC32
- qBitField: A bit-field manipulation library
- qTDL : Tapped Delay Line in O(1).
- qRMS : Recursive Root Mean Square(RMS) calculation of a signal.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "qbitfield.h"
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
qBitField_t vPort; /*create the bitfield instance*/
uint8_t vPortArea[ QBITFIELD_SIZE(48) ] = { 0 }; /*Create the bitfield storage area to hold 48bits*/
uint16_t rWord;
qBitField_Setup( &vPort, vPortArea, sizeof(vPortArea) );
qBitField_ClearAll( &vPort);
/*we are going to write the following value in the bitfield = 0x8177AA55FF88*/
qBitField_WriteUINTn( &vPort, 0, 0xAA55FF88, 32 ); /*write the first 32 bits*/
qBitField_WriteUINTn( &vPort, 32, 0x77, 8 ); /*write one of the last two bytes*/
qBitField_WriteBit( &vPort, 47, 1 ); /*write the last bit of the last byte*/
qBitField_WriteBit( &vPort, 40, 1 ); /*write the first bit of the last byte*/
rWord = (uint16_t)qBitField_ReadUINTn( &vPort, 20, 16 ); /*read a word at offset 24*/
printf("%02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\r\n", vPortArea[0], vPortArea[1], vPortArea[2], vPortArea[3], vPortArea[4], vPortArea[5]);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "qfp16.h"
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
qFP16_t a = qFP16_Constant( 1.5 );
qFP16_t b = qFP16_Constant( 5.2 );
qFP16_t c = qFP16_Constant( 4.0 );
qFP16_t tmp;
char ans[ 10 ];
tmp = qFP16_Mul( qFP16_IntToFP( 4 ), qFP16_Mul( a, c ) );
tmp = qFP16_Add( -b, qFP16_Sqrt( qFP16_Sub( qFP16_Mul( b, b ), tmp ) ) );
tmp = qFP16_Div( tmp, qFP16_Mul( qFP16_IntToFP( 2 ), a ) );
printf( " result = %s \r\n" , qFP16_FPToA( tmp, ans, 4 ) );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bsp.h"
#include "qltisys.h"
#define SYS_ORDER ( 3 )
const TickType_t dt = 50; /*50mS time-step*/
qLTISys_t system;
float num[ SYS_ORDER+1 ] = { 0.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 6.0f };
float den[ SYS_ORDER+1 ] = { 1.0f, 6.0f, 11.0f, 16.0f };
float x[ SYS_ORDER ] = { 0.0f };
void xTaskSystemSimulate( void *arg )
qLTISys_Setup( &system, num, den, x, 0, SYS_ORDER+1, (float)dt/1000.0f ) );
float ut, yt;
for( ;; ) {
ut = BSP_InputGet();
yt = qLTISys_Excite( &system, ut );
vTaskDelay( dt / portTICK_RATE_MS) ;
printf( "u(t) = %0.2f y(t) = %0.2f \r\n", ut, yt );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bsp.h"
#include "qltisys.h"
#define NB ( 3 )
#define NA ( 2 )
const TickType_t Ts = 100; /*100mS sample time*/
qLTISys_t system;
float num[ NB ] = { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f };
float den[ NA+1 ] = { 1.0f, -0.85f, 0.02};
float xk[ NB ] = { 0.0f };
void xTaskSystemSimulate( void *arg )
qLTISys_Setup( &system, num, den, xk, NB, NA, QLTISYS_DISCRETE );
float uk, yk;
for( ;; ) {
uk = BSP_InputGet();
yk = qLTISys_Excite( &system, uk );
vTaskDelay( Ts / portTICK_RATE_MS) ;
printf( "u(k) = %0.2f y(k) = %0.2f \r\n", uk, yk );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "bsp.h"
#include "qpid.h"
const TickType_t dt = 50; /*50mS time-step*/
void xTaskPIDspeedControl( void *arg );
void xTaskPIDspeedControl( void *arg )
qPID_controller_t *controller = (qPID_controller_t *)arg;
float processMeasurement;
float controlOutput;
for ( ;; ) {
processMeasurement = BSP_ScaletoSpeed ( BSP_AnalogRead( BSP_AI_SPEED_CHANNEL ) );
controlOutput = qPID_Control( controller, processMeasurement );
BSP_PWMSet( BSP_AO_SPEED_PWM_CHANNEL, BSP_ScaletoPWM( controlOutput ) );
vTaskDelay( dt / portTICK_RATE_MS) ;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
qPID_controller_t speedControl;
int ret;
BSP_SystemInit( );
ret = qPID_Setup( &speedControl, 1, 0.1, 0, (float)dt/1000.0f );
if ( 0 == ret ) {
puts( "ERROR: Cant configure PID controller" );
qPID_SetSaturation( &speedControl, 0.0f, 100.0f );
/* Create the task that handles the speed control. */
xTaskCreate( xTaskPIDspeedControl, "speedControl", 1024, &speedControl, configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ,NULL );
for( ;; );
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "bsp.h"
#include "qssmoother.h"
#include "AppSignalProcessing.h"
#define SMOOTHER_SAMPLE_TIME ( 100 )
void xTaskSignalProcessing( void *arg )
qSSmoother_GMWF_t *smoother = (qSSmoother_GAUSSIAN_t *)arg;
float noisySignal;
float smoothedSignal;
for ( ;; ) {
noisySignal = BSP_ScaletoSomething( BSP_AnalogRead( BSP_AI_SPEED_CHANNEL ) );
smoothedSignal = qSSmoother_Perform( smoother, noisySignal );
AppSignalProcess( smoothedSignal );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
qSSmoother_GMWF_t smoother;
float win_kernel[ 2*SMOOTHER_WINDOW_SIZE ]; /*storage for the window and the kernel*/
float params[ 2 ] = { 0.5f, SMOOTHER_WINDOW_SIZE/2.0f }; /*sigma and offset*/
int ret;
BSP_SystemInit( );
ret = qSSmoother_Setup( &smoother, QSSMOOTHER_TYPE_GMWF, params, win_kernel, sizeof(win_kernel)/sizeof(win_kernel[0]) );
if ( 0 == ret ) {
puts( "ERROR: Cant configure the smoother filter" );
xTaskCreate( xTaskSignalProcessing, "signalProcessing", 512, &smoother, 2, NULL );
for( ;; );