Carcassonne implementation in python
- Tilesets
- Base game
- The river
- Inns and cathedrals
- Abbots
- Farmers
Clone the project
Go to the project folder
pip install .
You can now use the API in other projects.
Code example for a game with two players
import random
from typing import Optional
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.carcassonne_game import CarcassonneGame
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.carcassonne_game_state import CarcassonneGameState
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.objects.actions.action import Action
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.tile_sets.supplementary_rules import SupplementaryRule
from wingedsheep.carcassonne.tile_sets.tile_sets import TileSet
game = CarcassonneGame(
tile_sets=[TileSet.BASE, TileSet.THE_RIVER, TileSet.INNS_AND_CATHEDRALS],
supplementary_rules=[SupplementaryRule.ABBOTS, SupplementaryRule.FARMERS]
while not game.is_finished():
player: int = game.get_current_player()
valid_actions: [Action] = game.get_possible_actions()
action: Optional[Action] = random.choice(valid_actions)
if action is not None:
game.step(player, action)
- [] Optimise the algorithm to find tile position