Python program so solve a rubik cube
based on the kociemba 2phase solver which must be installed in the same folder ( TTF : needs to be in the home directory.
scanning and solving of a Cube with any color configuration (no logo on sticker).
solving to 4 implemented pattern.
scanning and store of own pattern. With this function a copy of a cube can be generated.
scramble cube with given number of moves.
Speedcubing Trainer. ALL OLL and PLL patterns are implemented:
Starting with a solved cube, you can train a specific pattern or train by random generated tasks. Top color is not equal on all patterns - but that is what you need to train as well. You can change the training database by eding "Speedcubing.txt".
To start script on boot modify /etc/rc.local and insert following line just before 'exit 0'
sudo -H -u pi python3 /home/pi/ &
Mechanical setup is placed on Thingiverse:
Second version with PCA9685 PWM driver. Ensures stable servo action (no jitter)