prefabLOG is a filterable and transparent logging library acting as a facade to other logging implementations
- transparent: uncommenting a single line will just fallback to the default logging.
By default the standard console.log,, console.warn, console.error will be overwritten, and removing the require will resolve in a clean fallback:
console.log('log test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});'info test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
console.warn('warn test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
console.error('error test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
- filterable: by default you only see the logging you want to see.
Let's say our app.js is:
var a = require('prefabLOG')('logger:a');
var b = require('prefabLOG')('logger:b');'logger:a info test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});'logger:b info test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
Running "LOG=logger:* node app.js" will output both loggers:
<info> logger:a info test string 123 {"foo":"bar"}
<info> logger:b info test string 123 {"foo":"bar"}
While running "LOG=logger:a node app.js" will output only logger a:
<info> logger:a info test string 123 {"foo":"bar"}
- easy configurable: configure log methods and colors in one go. Methods both available as parameter to the default console.log (nice fallback), or as a method on the console object (no fallback possible though shorter syntax)
Let's show this in an example... our app.js is:
filterName : 'app',
logCfg : {
log : 'white',
debug : 'magenta',
data : 'cyan, bold',
info : 'green',
warn : 'yellow',
error : 'red,bold'
//safe fallback on default console
console.log('debug','safe fallback data test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
//non safe fallback on default console, as it doesn't have a debug method
console.debug('non safe fallback data test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
//safe fallback on default console
console.log('data','safe fallback data test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
//non safe fallback on default console, as it doesn't have a data method'non safe fallback data test %s %d %j', 'string', 123, {foo:'bar'});
This will output: