UPDATE: V3 is in the works, making everything one click hopefully and thanks to a Reddit User, that commented on the reddit (credits to him) he told me you can use xattr to use app (Meaning you won't have to disable SIP)
Hi, this is a WIP Fortnite Installer/Patcher for Mac Users (M Series Only)
Requirements: Sideloadly Latest Mac OS Beta Update (15.1)
Download from the latest release and open the app up
After opening the app press 'Patch'
A prompt will ask you where you want the Fortnite.ipa to install and then after downloading it will give you a prompt to Sideload the app and then press 'Patch 2'
Sideload obviously in sideloadly
Press 'Patch 2' This downloads the embedded.mobileprovision and copies/moves it into your /Applications/Fortnite/Wrapper/Fortnite.app/FortniteClient-IOS-Shipping.app/
Last step is Open Fortnite!
Common Issues: Q: After Opening Fortnite it says missing entitelemnts STILL
A: Most likely the embedded.mobileprovision didn't correctly move to your /Applications due to not having elevated permissions, to fix this (for now since this is V1) you will need to locate where you first downloaded the embedded.mobileprovision) and move it (or copy) it to /Applications/Fortnite/Wrapper/Fortnite.app/FortniteClient-IOS-Shipping.app
Q: My Fortnite says it is unable to open blah blah blah
A: This issue may require you to disable SIP
The link below will show you how to disable SIP https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/disabling-and-enabling-system-integrity-protection
CELESTIAL TEAM ON TOP this app was made by jaykwimain (jaydenoliousbontolius) on discord
CREDITS TO x (xkt) on discord for DECRYPTED IPA
JOIN THE DISCORD FOR HELP :) https://discord.gg/j95GfTGD