Flutter plugin to detect jailbreak on iOS and root detection (Magisk hide to some extent) on Android.
Based on RootBeer , RootInspector , DetectMagiskHide for Android, and IOSSecuritySuite for iOS.
$ flutter pub add root_jailbreak_sniffer
or add the below line to your package's pubspec.yaml:
root_jailbreak_sniffer: ^1.0.6
No Configurations Needed.
Add following lines to the Info.plist file in /ios/Runner/ folder.
import 'package:root_jailbreak_sniffer/rjsniffer.dart';
bool amICompromised = await Rjsniffer.amICompromised() ?? false; //Detect JailBreak and Root
bool amIEmulator = await Rjsniffer.amIEmulator() ?? false; //Detect Emulator Environment
bool amIDebugged = await Rjsniffer.amIDebugged() ?? false; //Detect being Debugged