This firmware runs on PanelDue touchscreens available from Duet3D Ltd. and their resellers. It is used to check the status on and control a machine running primarily RepRapFirmware though since it simply sends GCodes over serial line it can be basically used with every controller that understands the sent commands.
The following devices are supported:
- v2-4.3
- v2-5.0
- v2-7.0
- v2-7.0c
- v3-4.3
- v3-5.0
- v3-7.0
- v3-7.0c
- 5.0i
- 7.0i
Download the latest firmware images at
Detailed flashing instruction can be found at
As at version 3.5.1 this project can be built under either Eclipse or using CMake.
- Eclipse CDT
- arm-none-eabi-gcc
- Git (an easy way to get it is to install Git Desktop)
- Create an Eclipse workspace
- Clone this Git project (PanelDueFirmware) into it (you can do this in Git Desktop)
- Open a command prompt at
<your workspace name>\PanelDueFirmware
and run command:git submodule update
- Open Eclipse, add the project to the workspace, select the build configuration you require and build
- As for Windows, but you will need to change the post-build step
commands in the Eclipse project to appropriate Linuxcat
- arm-none-eabi-gcc
- cat
- cmake
- make
- bossa
$ apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi
$ pacman -S arm-none-abi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib
$ brew install gcc-arm-embedded
- Download and install latest toolchain from
- Download and install a Linux-like build environment such as MSYS2
- Download and install cmake
$ git clone [email protected]:Duet3D/PanelDueFirmware.git
$ cd PanelDueFirmware
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update --recursive
With the default build system
$ cmake -B build -DDEVICE="5.0i" .
$ make -C build all -j12
Or with an explicit build system
$ cmake -B build -G "Unix Makefiles" -DDEVICE="5.0i" .
$ make -C build all -j12
The default compiler can be easily overwritten by setting the cross compiler prefix.
$ cmake -B build -DDEVICE="5.0i" -DCROSS_COMPILE="/path/to/cross/compiler/arm-none-eabi-" .
$ make -C build all -j12
Examples for windows users:
When passing a path name use
- slashes instead of backslashes to separate directories and
- use backslashes to escape whitespaces.
$ cmake -B build -DDEVICE="5.0i" -DCROSS_COMPILE="C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/GNU\ Tools\ ARM\ Embedded/8\ 2018-q4-major/bin/arm-none-eabi-" .
Create build system for Eclipse CDT which can be easily integrated
$ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -B . -DDEVICE="5.0i"
To switching the target device re-run cmake with another device setting
$ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -B . -DDEVICE="v3-5.0"
For further Eclipse CDT integration please visit
It is possible to configure the local build system permamently instead of passing DEVICE and CROSS_COMPILE variable.
- copy env.cmake.example to env.cmake
- uncomment variables and adapt accordingly in env.cmake
- re-run 'cmake -B build .'
$ bossac -e -w -v -b build/paneldue.bin -R -p /dev/ttyACM1
Customising the splash screen (versions 1.20RC4 and later)
If you wish to display a custom splash screen when PanelDue is powered up, you need to append a compressed version of the splash screen image to the bare firmware version appropriate to your model's screen size.
- First export the image you want to display in 24-bit bitmap (.bmp) format. The width and height in pixels must match exactly the resolution of the TFT panel (480x272 for the 4.3" panel, or 800x480 for the 5" and 7" panels)
- The image must compress sufficiently well to fit in the available flash memory. Images containing large blocks of the same colour compress well.
- Version 1 PanelDue controllers have 128kb flash memory. Version 2 controllers use either a
(128kb) chip or aATSAM3S4B
(256kb) chip. Version 3 controllers and the 7i integrated version have 256kb flash memory. If you have a 128kb chip then you will only be able to use a splash screen if you are using the 4.3" panel and the image compresses well.
There is a tool included in Tools/gobmp2c/(linux|macos|win)
containing pre-compiled binaries for the three major operating systems.
It's a command-line tool and can be used like follows:
$ Tools/gobmp2c/linux/bmp2c --help
Usage of ./bmp2c:
Binary output
-outfile string
Output file. The default is to output to stdout. (default "-")
Use the -binary
parameter to create splash screen and append it like this to the compiled firmware binary and provide the name of
the input file as the last parameter e.g.
$ Tools/gobmp2c/linux/bmp2c -binary -outfile mysplashscreen.bin mysplashscreen.bmp
On Windows:
Run this Windows command to append it to the binary: copy /b PanelDue-v3-5.0-nologo.bin+myimage.bin PanelDueFirmware.bin
On Linux:
Run this Linux command to append it to the binary: cat PanelDue-v3-5.0-nologo.bin myimage.bin > PanelDueFirmware.bin
substituting appropriate filenames. Then:
- Check that the resulting firmware file (PanelDueFirmware.bin in this example) is no larger than the flash memory size
- Install the new PanelDueFirmware.bin file on your PanelDue
The aforementioned tool can also be used to create new Icons. These also have to be provided in 24-bit bitmap format and will be converted into a paletted representation. The palette contains 12 different colors:
24-bit input | 16-bit output | Note |
0x000000 | 0x0000 | black |
0xffffff | 0xffff | white - note that this will usually be rendered as transparent instead |
0x201c20 | 0x20e4 | dark grey |
0xf8f8f8 | 0xffdf | very light grey, used to replace white |
0x181c18 | 0x18e3 | very dark grey |
0xf0f0f0 | 0xf79e | light grey |
0xc83030 | 0xc986 | red |
0xd06060 | 0xd30c | lighter red |
0xc02018 | 0xc103 | red |
0xf8e890 | 0xff52 | light yellow |
0xf8fcd8 | 0xfffb | very light yellow |
0x40ac48 | 0x4569 | green |
0x909090 | 0x9492 | grey |
The tool can convert multiple input files into one output file. To convert icons into a paletted representation use
$ Tools/gobmp2c/linux/bmp2c -outfile Icons.hpp icon1.bmp [icon2.bmp ...]
It will append to the output file.