- Server Management
- Git Add, Commit and Push (configurable from CLI)
- Tar Backup and Copy to Local Storage
Developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04(wsl) / PHP 8.0.5 / Nginx 1.18.0 / MySQL 8.0.23
- PHP ^8.0
In some <app_folder> defined by you. Just check if you have an appropriate rights to use this folder.
alias clike='php ~/\<app_folder\>/clike'
Check files: "webserver/devserv", "webserver/devserv-min"
clike server:(start|stop|reload... "common parameters for Nginx, PHP, Mysql according to documentation") [--min] --min control servers accept mysql (Nginx+PHP only)
- Start all servers
clike server:start
- Reload configurations for all servers except mysql
clike server:reload [--min]
Configure connection to the GitHub repository in .env file. "GIT_HOST" parameter equals a host + full path to the git repository root. If you wish to get total automatization than set "GIT_AUTOPASS" to true and set password. Please, consider notification below as the Git credentials send via URL-HTTPS.
NOTE: The passwords should be saved encoded according to ASCII Codes Table (% + Hex code of the character, "%26" = "&"). ASCII Table
Default master branch named as "master". You can choose your own branch and gitfile format ("origin" is conventional) while pushing new commits.
- Commit changes and push
clike git:commit [-m "Commit text.."]
- Set CLIke Git Control to use credentials for auto-authentication
clike git:config --autopass
- Reject CLIke Git Control to use credentials for auto-authentication
clike git:config --autopass (true|false)
- All Contributors
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.