Amiga 4000 CPU accelerator board based on A3660 and Z-turn FPGA board
STM32 SERVO FOC PMSM with Encoder interface and NRF24L01 communication
A rounded cube geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
Tools for creation and manipulation of triangle meshes
RAIN is a 3D image renderer running on the CPU made from scratch. This renderer uses Ray Tracing technique and implements KD-Tree and multithreading to optmization.
All of the code from Learn C The Hard Way, each project, plus the presentation slides used in the videos.
MOD/S3M/XM module player for Web Audio
Intel 8086 emulator in C/C++ with support for virtual devices
Mirror of git://
Experimenting with bare metal coding on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi ARM based bare metal examples
Hobby OS project for learning more about low-level hardware (GPUs, networking, USB)