This project aims to add some of the (arguable) missing json functions to the MySQL and MariaDB engines, in the form of UDFs.
This project uses the Jansson JSON Library (
The library is built using cmake build system.
If you are planing on installing it, you need to know before hand the plugin directory of you MySQL/MariaDB installation. For instance, if you use Centos, your mysql plugin_dir is something like - /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/.
You need to install the jansson library for the udf to work. Using cmake you define the install prefix and build. In the root of the project you can issue:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin ..
make all install
To create the functions in your server instance, issue:
mysql -uroot < mjson.sql
Available functions:
- mjson_get(json, index|position) - get the value of the given key (object) or position (array) of the supplied json
- mjson_set(json, index|position, value) - sets the value of the given key (object) or position (array) on the supplied json to the supplied value
- mjson_array_append(json, value) - append the given value to the supplied json array
- mjson_size(json) - get the number of elements in a json array or object
Let's consider the simple table:
CREATE TABLE test_table(
json_1 BLOB,
json_2 BLOB
And lets insert some data in it:
INSERT INTO test_table(json_1, json_2)
('{"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"}', '["a", "b", "c"]'),
('{"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}}', '[]')
Here are some usage examples:
-- mjson_size
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_size(json_1) size_1,
mjson_size(json_2) size_2,
FROM test_table;
| size_1 | json_1 | size_2 | json_2 |
| 2 | {"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"} | 3 | ["a", "b", "c"] |
| 2 | {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | 0 | [] |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_set
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}')
FROM test_table;
| json_1 | mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}') |
| {"key1": [1, 2, 3], "key2": "some text"} | {"key1":{"a":1},"key2":"some text"} |
| {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | {"key3":null,"key4":{"key5":"more data"},"key1":{"a":1}} |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_set - if key doesn't exist... appends it
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}')
FROM test_table WHERE id=2;
| json_1 | mjson_set(json_1, 'key1', '{"a": 1}') |
| {"key3": null, "key4": {"key5": "more data"}} | {"key3":null,"key4":{"key5":"more data"},"key1":{"a":1}} |
-- mjson_get
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_set('{}', 'root_key', '{"sub_key": 3.14}'),
| mjson_get(mjson_get(mjson_set('{}', 'root_key', '{"sub_key": 3.14}'), 'root_key'), 'sub_key') |
| 3.140000 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
-- mjson_array_append
MariaDB [tests]> SELECT
mjson_array_append(json_2, '[1,2,3]'),
mjson_array_append(json_2, 3.14)
FROM test_table WHERE id=1;
| mjson_array_append(json_2, '[1,2,3]') | mjson_array_append(json_2, 3.14) |
| ["a","b","c",[1,2,3]] | ["a","b","c",3.1400000000000001] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)