Tags: E85Addict/revanced-cli
chore: Release v5.0.0 [skip ci] # [5.0.0](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v4.6.0...v5.0.0) (2024-11-10) ### Bug Fixes * Check for null when no device serial was specified ([1da8ae9](ReVanced@1da8ae9)) * List if patch option is required ([ReVanced#346](ReVanced#346)) ([98ff0c3](ReVanced@98ff0c3)) * Make CLI ArgGroup non-exclusive to be able to disable and enable patches at the same time ([1bb0d13](ReVanced@1bb0d13)) * Make patches selectable by using a mutable collection for the selection option ([751fa1d](ReVanced@751fa1d)) * Make the patch command work without specifying any selection ([ba159a3](ReVanced@ba159a3)) * Print in new line correctly ([c2dc9d7](ReVanced@c2dc9d7)) * Use the first connected device when no ADB device is specified ([5f952f3](ReVanced@5f952f3)) ### Features * Set patch options via CLI ([ReVanced#336](ReVanced#336)) ([2300243](ReVanced@2300243)) * Show error about no installation device found at the beginning ([3300e6b](ReVanced@3300e6b)) * Simplify command and option names and descriptions ([ReVanced#338](ReVanced#338)) ([6e7797a](ReVanced@6e7797a)) * Simplify option descriptions ([45c998b](ReVanced@45c998b)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * Options have been renamed. * This commit changes various CLI options and removes the `options.json` file. Instead, patch options can now be passed via CLI options
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.11 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.11](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.10...v5.0.0-dev.11) (2024-11-10) ### Bug Fixes * List if patch option is required ([ReVanced#346](ReVanced#346)) ([98ff0c3](ReVanced@98ff0c3))
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.10 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.10](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.9...v5.0.0-dev.10) (2024-11-05) ### Bug Fixes * Make CLI ArgGroup non-exclusive to be able to disable and enable patches at the same time ([1bb0d13](ReVanced@1bb0d13))
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.9 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.9](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.8...v5.0.0-dev.9) (2024-11-05) ### Bug Fixes * Print in new line correctly ([c2dc9d7](ReVanced@c2dc9d7))
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.8 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.8](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.7...v5.0.0-dev.8) (2024-10-17)
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.7 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.7](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.6...v5.0.0-dev.7) (2024-10-16) ### Bug Fixes * Check for null when no device serial was specified ([1da8ae9](ReVanced@1da8ae9))
chore: Release v5.0.0-dev.6 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.6](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.5...v5.0.0-dev.6) (2024-10-10) ### Bug Fixes * Use the first connected device when no ADB device is specified ([5f952f3](ReVanced@5f952f3))
chore: Release 5.0.0-dev.5 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.5](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.4...v5.0.0-dev.5) (2024-09-30)
chore(release): 5.0.0-dev.4 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.4](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.3...v5.0.0-dev.4) (2024-09-17) ### Bug Fixes * Make patches selectable by using a mutable collection for the selection option ([751fa1d](ReVanced@751fa1d)) * Make the patch command work without specifying any selection ([ba159a3](ReVanced@ba159a3)) ### Features * Show error about no installation device found at the beginning ([3300e6b](ReVanced@3300e6b))
chore(release): 5.0.0-dev.3 [skip ci] # [5.0.0-dev.3](ReVanced/revanced-cli@v5.0.0-dev.2...v5.0.0-dev.3) (2024-08-14) ### Features * Simplify option descriptions ([45c998b](ReVanced@45c998b))