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Modelling and simulation of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) may work as a powerful tool in the Research & development of renewable energy sources.The Open-Source PEMFC Simulation Tool (OPEM) is a modelling tool for evaluating the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. This package is a combination of some models (static/dynamic) which are predicting the optimum operating parameters of PEMFC. OPEM contained generic models that will accept as input, not only values of the operating variables such as anode and cathode feed gas, pressure and compositions, cell temperature and current density, but also cell parameters including the active area and membrane thickness. In addition, some of the different models of PEMFC that have been proposed in the OPEM, just focus on one particular FC stack,and some others take into account a part or all auxiliaries such as reformers. OPEM is a platform for collaborative development of PEMFC models.
(Windows) orTerminal
(UNIX) -
python -m opem
orpython3 -m opem
(or runOPEM.exe
) -
Enter PEM cell parameters (or run standard test vectors)
Amphlett Static Model
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit T Cell Operation Temperature K PH2 Partial Pressure atm PO2 Partial Pressure atm i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A A Active area cm^2 l Membrane Thickness cm lambda is an adjustable parameter with a min value of 14 and max value of 23 -- R(*Optional) R-Electronic ohm B An empirical constant depending on the cell and its operation state (Tafel Slope) V JMax Maximum current density A/(cm^2) N Number Of Single Cells -- -
Larminie-Dicks Static Model
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 Fuel Cell reversible no loss voltage V A The slope of the Tafel line V B Constant in the mass transfer term V i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A i_n Internal current A i_0 Exchange current at which the overvoltage begins to move from zero A i_L Limiting current A RM The membrane and contact resistances ohm N Number Of Single Cells -- -
Chamberline-Kim Static Model
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 Open circuit voltage V b Tafel's parameter for the oxygen reduction V R Resistance ohm.cm^2 i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A A Active area cm^2 m Diffusion's parameters V n Diffusion's parameters (A^-1)(cm^2) N Number Of Single Cells -- -
Padulles Dynamic Model I
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 No load voltage V T FuelCell temperature K KH2 Hydrogen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KO2 Oxygen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) tH2 Hydrogen time constant s tO2 Oxygen time constant s B Activation voltage constant V C Activation constant parameter A^(-1) Rint FuelCell internal resistance ohm rho Hydrogen-oxygen flow ratio -- qH2 Molar flow of hydrogen kmol/s N0 Number of cells -- i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A -
Padulles Dynamic Model II
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 No load voltage V T FuelCell temperature K KH2 Hydrogen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KH2O Water valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KO2 Oxygen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) tH2 Hydrogen time constant s tH2O Water time constant s tO2 Oxygen time constant s B Activation voltage constant V C Activation constant parameter A^(-1) Rint FuelCell internal resistance ohm rho Hydrogen-oxygen flow ratio -- qH2 Molar flow of hydrogen kmol/s qH2O Molar flow of water kmol/s N0 Number of cells -- i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A -
Padulles-Hauer Dynamic Model
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 No load voltage V T FuelCell temperature K KH2 Hydrogen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KH2O Water valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KO2 Oxygen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) tH2 Hydrogen time constant s tH2O Water time constant s tO2 Oxygen time constant s t1 Reformer time constant s t2 Reformer time constant s B Activation voltage constant V C Activation constant parameter A^(-1) CV Conversion factor -- Rint FuelCell internal resistance ohm rho Hydrogen-oxygen flow ratio -- qMethanol Molar flow of methanol kmol/s N0 Number of cells -- i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A -
Padulles-Amphlett Dynamic Model
* For more information about this model visit hereInput Description Unit E0 No load voltage V T FuelCell temperature K KH2 Hydrogen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KH2O Water valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) KO2 Oxygen valve constant kmol.s^(-1).atm^(-1) tH2 Hydrogen time constant s tH2O Water time constant s tO2 Oxygen time constant s t1 Reformer time constant s t2 Reformer time constant s A Active area cm^2 l Membrane Thickness cm lambda is an adjustable parameter with a min value of 14 and max value of 23 -- R(*Optional) R-Electronic ohm B An empirical constant depending on the cell and its operation state (Tafel Slope) V JMax Maximum current density A/(cm^2) CV Conversion factor -- rho Hydrogen-oxygen flow ratio -- qMethanol Molar flow of methanol kmol/s N0 Number of cells -- i-start Cell operating current start point A i-step Cell operating current step A i-stop Cell operating current end point A
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Gitter is another option :
- Static Analysis
- Amphlett Static Model
- Nernst Voltage
- PEMFC losses model
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Larminie-Dicks Static Model
- PEMFC losses model
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Chamberline-Kim Static Model
- PEMFC losses model
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Amphlett Static Model
- Flat Output
- Simulation Result
- CSV File
- Plot Graphs
- Input/Output
- Dynamic Analysis
- Padulles Dynamic Model I
- Nernst Voltage
- Voltage of PEMFC
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Padulles Dynamic Model II
- Nernst Voltage
- Voltage of PEMFC
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Padulles-Hauer Dynamic Model
- Nernst Voltage
- Voltage of PEMFC
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Padulles-Amphlett Dynamic Model
- Nernst Voltage
- Voltage of PEMFC
- Power of PEMFC
- Efficiency of PEMFC
- Padulles Dynamic Model I
1- J. C. Amphlett, R. M. Baumert, R. F. Mann, B. A. Peppley, and P. R. Roberge. 1995. "Performance Modeling of the Ballard Mark IV Solid Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell." J. Electrochem. Soc. (The Electrochemical Society, Inc.) 142 (1): 9-15. doi: 10.1149/1.2043959.
2- Jeferson M. Correa, Felix A. Farret, Vladimir A. Popov, Marcelo G. Simoes. 2005. "Sensitivity Analysis of the Modeling Parameters Used in Simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells." IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (IEEE) 20 (1): 211-218. doi:10.1109/TEC.2004.842382.
3- Junbom Kim, Seong-Min Lee, Supramaniam Srinivasan, Charles E. Chamberlin. 1995. "Modeling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Performance with an Empirical Equation." Journal of The Electrochemical Society (The Electrochemical Society) 142 (8): 2670-2674. doi:10.1149/1.2050072.
4- I. Sadli, P. Thounthong, J.-P. Martin, S. Rael, B. Davat. 2006. "Behaviour of a PEMFC supplying a low voltage static converter." Journal of Power Sources (Elsevier) 156: 119–125. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.08.021.
5- J. Padulles, G.W. Ault, J.R. McDonald. 2000. "An integrated SOFC plant dynamic model for power systems simulation." Journal of Power Sources (Elsevier) 86 (1-2): 495-500. doi:10.1016/S0378-7753(99)00430-9.
6- Hauer, K.-H. 2001. "Analysis tool for fuel cell vehicle hardware and software (controls) with an application to fuel economy comparisons of alternative system designs." Ph.D. dissertation, Transportation Technology and Policy, University of California Davis.
7- A. Saadi, M. Becherif, A. Aboubou, M.Y. Ayad. 2013. "Comparison of proton exchange membrane fuel cell static models." Renewable Energy (Elsevier) 56: 64-71. doi:dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2012.10.012.
8- Diego Feroldi, Marta Basualdo. 2012. "Description of PEM Fuel Cells System." Green Energy and Technology (Springer) 49-72. doi:10.1007/978-1-84996-184-4_2
9- Gottesfeld, Shimshon. n.d. The Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell: Materials Issues in a Hydrogen Fueled Power Source. http://physics.oregonstate.edu/~hetheriw/energy/topics/doc/electrochemistry/fc/basic/The_Polymer_Electrolyte_Fuel_Cell.htm
10- Mohamed Becherif, Aïcha Saadi, Daniel Hissel, Abdennacer Aboubou, Mohamed Yacine Ayad. 2011. "Static and dynamic proton exchange membrane fuel cell models." Journal of Hydrocarbons Mines and Environmental Research 2 (1)
If you use OPEM in your research , please cite this :
@misc{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1133110, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1133110}, author = {{Sepand Haghighi} and {Kasra Askari} and {Sarmin Hamidi} and Rahimi, Mohammad Mahdi}, keywords = {Cell, PEM, Fuel Cell, electrochemistry}, title = {Opem : An Open Source Pem Cell Simulation Tool}, pages = {--}, publisher = {Zenodo}, year = {2017} }
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