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Project Summary

In this project we will create a react application that solves computer science toy problems and showcases them in a feed. The file structure has already been created for us but none of the functionality works. At the end of this project you should have an understanding of the following topics:

  • Components
  • Utilizing state
  • import / export (es6 modules)
  • .gitignore
  • npm install

Live Example

Live app


  • Fork and clone this repository.
  • Create a submission branch in git and checkout that branch
  • cd into the project directory.
  • Run npm install.
  • After npm install has finished run npm start to start the development server.

Step 1


In this step, we are going to dive into the functionality of the application. If we take a look into the src folder we'll see that we have a components folder with a TopicBrowser and a Topics folder. Our TopicBrowser component will display a list of topics from the Topics folder. Each topic will be its own component.


  • Open src/components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser.js.
  • Import React and Component from react.
  • Create a react function component called TopicBrowser:
    • This component should one <p> element that contains the text "Hello World."
  • Export TopicBrowser by default.
  • Open src/App.js.
  • Import the TopicBrowser component after the import of react.
  • Render the TopicBrowser component in the return value of App.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by opening src/components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser.js and importing what we need from react at the top of the file. This will allow use to use JSX and create a Component.

import React from 'react';

Now let's create a basic component that renders a <p> element that says "Hello World". TopicBrowser is the name of the function, which can be anything you want, usually when dealing with components it's common to see pascal case ( meaning the first letter is also captalized ). In React pascal case is required for the name of your Component. If it is not pascal case the component will not mount or render in your application. Since this component is going to browse our topics, I went with the name TopicBrowser.

function TopicBrowser() {


Now that we have our component TopicBrowser let's have it render the <p> element. In a function component we just need to return the JSX that we wish to render.

function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
    <p> Hello World </p>

Then we need to export our TopicBrowser component so that other files can import it. You may have seen two different ways to accomplish this method. One way is exporting it at the end of the file and another way is doing it on the same line as when you declare your function.

TopicBrowser.js ( export on bottom )
import React from 'react';

function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
    <p> Hello World </p>

export default TopicBrowser;
TopicBrowser.js ( export on same line )
import React from 'react';

export default function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
    <p> Hello World </p>

Both ways are completely fine, however I'll be using the same line export. Now that our export is setup we can import it in App.js and render it. We can import components with the following format: import ComponentNameHere from '/file_path_to_component_here'. Therefore our import in src/components/App.js would look like:

import TopicBrowser from './components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser'

The import is clever enough to add on the .js extension for us. Now that src/components/App.js has TopicBrowser imported we can render it the same way rendered our <p> element in TopicBrowser. The only difference being to render components you wrap the component name in < />. Our src/components/App.js should now look like:

import React from 'react';
import './index.css';

import TopicBrowser from './components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser'

function App() {
  return (
    <TopicBrowser />

export default App;


import React from 'react';
import './index.css';

import TopicBrowser from './components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser'

class App extends Component {
  return (
    <TopicBrowser />

export default App;
import React from 'react';

export default function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
    <p> Hello World </p>

Step 2


In this step, we'll render all of our topics from the Topics folder, create the basic outlines for each of the topics ( the same exact way we did TopicBrowser ) with the only difference being the <p> element saying what the component name is, and then import and render those topic components into our TopicBrowser component.


  • Create a basic outline for each topic component ( the same exact way we did the TopicBrowser component ):
    • Make sure the name of the component is the same name as the file.
    • Have the component render a <p> element saying the name of the component.
  • Open src/components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser.js.
  • Import all the topic files from src/components/Topics into src/components/TopicBrowser/TopicBrowser.js.
  • Render a parent div element containing all of the Topic components inside of the TopicBrowser component.
Detailed Instructions

Let's start by going into our Topics folder. Inside we will see 5 javascript files, inside these files we will create a React component that solves a certain computer science toy problem. The basic outline is going to be similiar across these components with the only difference being the <p> element that gets rendered.

Creating a React function component:

  • import React, { Component } from 'react'
  • Create the class for your new component. The format is: function FunctionNameGoesHere() {}
  • JSX must be returned from the function to render items.
  • Export your newly created component either on the same line of it's declaration or at the bottom of the file.

Here is what the EvenAndOdd component will look like applying these bullet points.

import React from 'react';

export default function EvenAndOdd() {
  return (
    <p> EvenAndOdd Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default function FilterObject() {
  return (
    <p> FilterObject Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default funciton FilterString() {
  return (
    <p> FilterString Component </p>
import Reac from 'react';

export default function Palindrome() {
  return (
    <p> Palindrome Component </p>
import Reac from 'react';

export default function Sum() {
  return (
    <p> Sum Component </p>

After you applied the same concepts to the 4 other javascript files in the Topics folder, we'll then import them into TopicBrowser.js. Just like how we imported TopicBrowser into App.js we'll do:

import React from 'react';

// Topics
import EvenAndOdd from '../Topics/EvenAndOdd'
import FilterObject from '../Topics/FilterObject'
import FilterString from '../Topics/FilterString'
import Palindrome from '../Topics/Palindrome'
import Sum from '../Topics/Sum'

export default function TopicBrowser() {
  render() {
    return (


Now that they are imported into our TopicBrowser component we can render them in our return. Similiar to how we rendered TopicBrowser in App.js we'll wrap each component we imported in < />. Since we are trying to render more than component we'll have to wrap the components in a <React.Fragment />. The return of a render method can only return one element, but there is no limit to how much you can nest in that one element. The React.Fragment element is a helper that keeps us from having to add useless containers around multiple elements. The React.Fragment does not get added to the dom when the application renders in the browser.

Your TopicBrowser should look like:

import React from 'react';

// Topics
import EvenAndOdd from '../Topics/EvenAndOdd'
import FilterObject from '../Topics/FilterObject'
import FilterString from '../Topics/FilterString'
import Palindrome from '../Topics/Palindrome'
import Sum from '../Topics/Sum'

export default function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
      <EvenAndOdd />
      <FilterObject />
      <FilterString />
      <Palindrome />
      <Sum />


import React from 'react';

// Topics
import EvenAndOdd from '../Topics/EvenAndOdd'
import FilterObject from '../Topics/FilterObject'
import FilterString from '../Topics/FilterString'
import Palindrome from '../Topics/Palindrome'
import Sum from '../Topics/Sum'

export default function TopicBrowser() {
  return (
      <EvenAndOdd />
      <FilterObject />
      <FilterString />
      <Palindrome />
      <Sum />
import React from 'react';

export default function EvenAndOdd() {
  return (
    <p> EvenAndOdd Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default function FilterObject() {
  return (
    <p> FilterObject Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default funciton FilterString() {
  return (
    <p> FilterString Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default function Palindrome() {
  return (
    <p> Palindrome Component </p>
import React from 'react';

export default function Sum() {
  return (
    <p> Sum Component </p>

Step 3


In the following steps it's important to understand that there is more than one way to solve a toy problem. If your solution doesn't match what's in the project that's okay. Also, since the following 5 components are very similiar in their structure, only step 3's detailed instructions go into great detail. The other steps after that won't go into much detail.

In this step, we'll start with the first topic: EvenAndOdd.


The problem summary: Given a string of numbers separated by commas, split the numbers into two different arrays. The first being an array of all the even numbers and the second being an array of all the odd numbers.

The component outline: One parent div element, one h4 element, one input element, one button element, and two span elements.

  • Open src/components/Topics/EvenAndOdd.js.
  • Remove the <p> element from the return.
  • Add the component outline to the returned JSX.
  • Add the following attributes and values to the elements:
    • div
      • className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB"
    • h4
      • text content - Evens and Odds
    • input
      • className="inputLine"
    • button
      • className="confirmationButton"
      • text content - Split
    • Both span's
      • className="resultsBox"
  • Setup some useState hooks that define our state for this component:
    • evens - This should default to an empty array.
    • odds - This should default to an empty array.
    • userInput - This should default to an empty string.
  • Create an onChange prop for the input element that updates the value of userInput on state.
  • Create an onClick prop for the button element that calls a function:
    • This function should solve the toy problem.
    • This function should update the value of evens and odds using the state hooks.
  • Assign one span element to display the value of evens.
  • Assign the other span element to display the value of odds.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by rendering our component's outline.

export default function EvenAndOdd() {
  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB">
      <h4>Evens and Odds</h4>
      <input className="inputLine" />
      <button className="confirmationButton">Split</button>
      <span className="resultsBox"></span>
      <span className="resultsBox"></span>

Now that we have a rough draft of every thing our component will need, let's start filling in the functionality. We will use state to keep track of what the user input is, our even's array, and our odd's array. We can use state by utilizing the useState hook for each piece of state we require.

const [evens, setEvens] = useState([]);
const [odds, setOdds] = useState([]);
const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

Next, let's update our last two span elements to display our evens and odds.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB">
    <h4>Evens and Odds</h4>
    <input className="inputLine" />
    <button className="confirmationButton">Split</button>
    <span className="resultsBox">Evens: {JSON.stringify(evens)}</span>
    <span className="resultsBox">Odds: {JSON.stringify(odds)}</span>

What's JSON.stringify? This is not a necassary addition, but without it your array would not display as [1,2,3,4] but rather 1234. JSON.stringify gives our display a more readable format. You could just do evens or odds if you want to.

Next let's update our input element to handle user input. In React you can use the onChange attribute that calls a function every time a user types in the input field.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB">
    <h4>Evens and Odds</h4>
    <input className="inputLine" />
    <button className="confirmationButton" onChange={e => setUserInput(}>Split</button>
    <span className="resultsBox">Evens: {JSON.stringify(evens)}</span>
    <span className="resultsBox">Odds: {JSON.stringify(odds)}</span>

What's e? e is the event. In this instance we can use the event to get the current value inside of the input element. We can access this by doing With this setup, every time a user types in this input field our arrow function gets called, capturing the event, and then calls the setUserInput function provided by the useState hook. For example if I typed in the input field "1,2" then handleChange will have been called three times. Every key stroke invokes the arrow function and passes in the target.value, this would look like:

  • First Time: = "1"
  • Second Time: = "1,"
  • Third Time: = "1,2"

Now that our input functionality is finished, all that's left is getting our button to execute a function that solves the toy problem. In React we can execute a function on a button click by using the attribute onClick. Since we want to execute this method with an argument we'll nest it in an arrow function.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB">
    <h4>Evens and Odds</h4>
    <input className="inputLine" onChange={e => setUserInput(}/>
    <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={() => solve(userInput)}>Split</button>
    <span className="resultsBox">Evens: {JSON.stringify(evens)}</span>
    <span className="resultsBox">Odds: {JSON.stringify(odds)}</span>

Now whenever a user clicks our button element our arrow function is called which calls a solve function and passes in the current userInput value. Let's create this function inside our component.

function solve(input) {
 // implement your logic to solve the problem here

How you solve the toy problem is up to you, if you can't figure it out check out the solution section below.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function EvenAndOdd() {
  const [ evens, setEvens ] = useState([]);
  const [odds, setOdds] = useState([]);
  const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

  function solve(input) {
    const results = {
      evens: [],
      odds: [],
    for (let val of input.split(',').map(v => parseInt(v))) {
      if (val % 2 === 0) {
      } else {


  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox evenAndOddPB">
      <h4>Evens and Odds</h4>
      <input className="inputLine" onChange={e => setUserInput(}/>
      <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={() => solve(userInput)}>Split</button>
      <span className="resultsBox">Evens: {JSON.stringify(evens)}</span>
      <span className="resultsBox">Odds: {JSON.stringify(odds)}</span>

Step 4


In this step, we'll build out the FilterObject component.


The problem summary: Using a pre-determined array of objects, filter out objects that do not have a given property. Display a new array populated with the objects that do have the given property.

The component outline:

  <input />
  • Open src/components/Topics/FilterObject.js.
  • Remove the <p> element from the return.
  • Add the component outline to the return.
  • Add the following className props to the outline:
    • div
      • className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB"
    • The first span
      • className="puzzleText"
    • input
      • className="inputLine"
    • button
      • className="confirmationButton"
    • The last span
      • className="resultsBox filterObjectRB"
  • Assign the h4 element the value of "Filter Object".
  • Create the following pieces of state using the useState hook:
    • unFilteredArray - This should default to an array of objects. Try to pick an array of objects that share similiar propteries but they should not be indentical objects.
    • userInput - This should default to an empty string.
    • filteredArray - This should default to an empty array.
  • Create an onChange prop for the input element that updates the value of userInput on state.
  • Create an onClick prop for the button element that calls a function:
    • This function should solve the toy problem.
    • This function should update the value of filteredArray.
  • Assign the first span element the value of unFilteredArray.
  • Assign the last span element the value of filteredArray.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by rendering our component's outline.

  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB">
      <h4> Filter Object </h4>
      <span className="puzzleText"></span>
      <input className="inputLine"></input>
      <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
      <span className="resultsBox filterObjectRB"></span>

Now that we have a rough draft of everything our component will need, let's start filling in the functionality. We will use state to keep tracck of what the user input is, our unfiltered array, and our filtered array.

  const [unFilteredArray, setUnFilteredArray] = useState([
    { name:  'John', title: 'Junior Developer', age: 20 },
    { name: 'Bob', title: 'Development Manager', age: 32, yearsEmployed: 2 },
    { name: 'Lisa', title: 'Senior Developer' },
  const [filteredArray, setFilteredArray] = useState([]);
  const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

Next let's update our span elements to display our unfiltered and filtered array of employees.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB">
    <h4> Filter Object </h4>
    <span className="puzzleText"> Original: { JSON.stringify(unFilteredArray, null, 10) } </span>
    <input className="inputLine"></input>
    <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
    <span className="resultsBox filterObjectRB"> Filtered: { JSON.stringify(filteredArray, null, 10) } </span>

Next let's update our input element to handle user input.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB">
    <h4> Filter Object </h4>
    <span className="puzzleText"> Original: { JSON.stringify(unFilteredArray, null, 10) } </span>
    <input className="inputLine" onChange={ e => setUserInput( }></input>
    <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
    <span className="resultsBox filterObjectRB"> Filtered: { JSON.stringify(filteredArray, null, 10) } </span>

Finally let's update our button element to handle filtering our employee array.

  function filter(input) {
    // add solution to problem here

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB">
        <h4> Filter Object </h4>
        <span className="puzzleText"> Original: { JSON.stringify(unFilteredArray, null, 10) } </span>
        <input className="inputLine" onChange={ (e) => this.handleChange( }></input>
        <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={ () => filter(userInput) }> Filter </button>
        <span className="resultsBox filterObjectRB"> Filtered: { JSON.stringify(filteredArray, null, 10) } </span>

How you solve the toy problem is up to you, if you can't figure it out check out the solution section.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function FilterObject() {
  const [unFilteredArray, setUnFilteredArray] = useState([
    { name:  'John', title: 'Junior Developer', age: 20 },
    { name: 'Bob', title: 'Development Manager', age: 32, yearsEmployed: 2 },
    { name: 'Lisa', title: 'Senior Developer' },
  const [filteredArray, setFilteredArray] = useState([]);
  const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

  function filter(input) {
    const filtered = unFilteredArray.filter(o => {
      if (o[input]) {
        return true;

      return false


  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox filterObjectPB">
      <h4>Filter Object</h4>
      <span className="puzzleText">Original: {JSON.stringify(unFilteredArray, null, 10)}</span>
      <input className="inputLine" onChange={e => setUserInput(}/>
      <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={() => filter(userInput)}>Filter</button>
      <span className="resultsBox filterObjectRB">Filtered: {JSON.stringify(filteredArray, null, 10)}</span>

Step 5


In this step, we'll build out the FilterString component.


The problem summary: Using a pre-determined array of strings, filter out strings that do not contain a given string. Display a new array populated with the strings that do contain the given string.

The component outline:

  <input />
  • Open src/components/Topics/FilterString.js.
  • Remove the <p> element from the return.
  • Add the component outline to the return.
  • Add the following className props to the outline:
    • div
      • className="puzzleBox filterStringPB"
    • The first span
      • className="puzzleText"
    • input
      • className="inputLine"
    • button
      • className="confirmationButton"
    • The last span
      • className="resultsBox filterStringRB"
  • Assign the h4 element the value of Filter String.
  • Use the useState hook to initialize the following pieces of state:
    • names - This should default to an array of strings. You choose what strings go in the array.
    • userInput - This should default to an empty string.
    • filteredNames - This should default to an empty array.
  • Create an onChange prop for the input element that updates the value of the userInput state.
  • Create an onClick prop for the button element that calls a function:
    • This function should solve the toy problem.
    • This function should update the value of filteredNames.
  • Assign the first span element the value of naems.
  • Assign the last span element the value of filteredNames.
Detailed Instructions

Let's begin by rendering our component's outline.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox filterStringPB">
    <h4> Filter String </h4>
    <span className="puzzleText"></span>
    <input className="inputLine"></input>
    <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
    <span className="resultsBox filterStringRB"></span>

Now that we have a rough draft of everything our component will need, let's start filling in the functionality. We will use state to keep track of what the user input is, our unfiltered array, and our filtered array.

  const [names, setNames] = useState(['James', 'Jessica', 'Melody', 'Tyler', 'Blake', 'Jennifer', 'Mark', 'Maddy'])
  const [filteredNames, setFilteredNames] = useState([]);
  const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

Next, let's update our span elements to display our unfiltered and filtered array of names.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox filterStringPB">
    <h4> Filter String </h4>
    <span className="puzzleText"> Names: { JSON.stringify(names, null, 10) } </span>
    <input className="inputLine"></input>
    <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
    <span className="resultsBox filterStringRB"> Filtered Names: { JSON.stringify(filteredNames, null, 10) } </span>

Next, let's update our input element to handle user input.

return (
  <div className="puzzleBox filterStringPB">
    <h4> Filter String </h4>
    <span className="puzzleText"> Names: { JSON.stringify(names, null, 10) } </span>
    <input className="inputLine" onChange={ e => setUserInput( }></input>
    <button className="confirmationButton"> Filter </button>
    <span className="resultsBox filterStringRB"> Filtered Names: { JSON.stringify(filteredNames, null, 10) } </span>

Finally, let's update our button element to handle filtering our names array.

  function filterNames(userInput) {
    // add implementation for solving toy problem

  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox filterStringPB">
      <h4> Filter String </h4>
      <span className="puzzleText"> Names: { JSON.stringify(this.state.names, null, 10) } </span>
      <input className="inputLine" onChange={ (e) => this.handleChange( }></input>
      <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={ () => filterNames(userInput) }> Filter </button>
      <span className="resultsBox filterStringRB"> Filtered Names: { JSON.stringify(this.state.filteredNames, null, 10) } </span>

How you solve the toy problem is up to you, if you can't figure it out check out the solution section.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default function FilterString() {
  const [names, setNames] = useState([
  const [filteredNames, setFilteredNames] = useState([]);
  const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');

  function filterNames(string) {
      names.filter(name => name.includes(string))

  return (
    <div className="puzzleBox filterStringPB">
      <h4> Filter String </h4>
      <span className="puzzleText">
        {' '}
        Names: {JSON.stringify(names, null, 10)}{' '}
      <input className="inputLine" onChange={e => setUserInput(}/>
      <button className="confirmationButton" onClick={() => filterNames(userInput)}> Filter </button>
      <span className="resultsBox filterStringRB">
        {' '}
        Filtered Names: {JSON.stringify(filteredNames, null, 10)}{' '}

The next components will have limited guidance!

Step 6


In this step, we'll build out the Palindrome component.


The problem summary: Given string, determine if it is spelt the same backwards as it is forwards.

Example: kayak (same forward and backwards)

The component outline:

<div className="puzzleBox palindromePB">
  <h4> Palindrome </h4>
  <input className="inputLine"></input>
  <button className="confirmationButton"> Check </button>
  <span className="resultsBox"></span>

The use should be able to type a word into the input and then push the check button to see if the word is a palindrome.

Step 7


In this step, we'll build out the Sum component.


The problem summary: Given an comma separated string of numbers, calculate the sum of all numbers in the String and display it.

The component outline:

<div className="puzzleBox sumPB">
  <h4> Sum </h4>
  <input className="inputLine"></input>
  <button className="confirmationButton"> Add </button>
  <span className="resultsBox"></span>

Challenge Steps

To take this project a step further try to add more toy problems to the project.


Create a pull request back to the main repository you forked this project from. Make sure to make your pull request from your submission branch.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • CSS 57.8%
  • HTML 29.5%
  • JavaScript 12.7%