Mobile Developer
- Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
(UTC -12:00) - in/eltegani
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/9130109/el-tegani-mohamed-hamad-gabir
[READ ONLY] Official Appwrite React Native SDK 💙 ⚛︎
FL Chart is a highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart.
Hacker News reader for Android, written in Compose
👓 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
✨ Gemini Android demonstrates Google's Generative AI on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
Jetsnack is a sample snack ordering app built with Jetpack Compose.
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely. Tech: Clean Architecture, 100% Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Room Persistence
Natrium - Fast, Robust & Secure NANO Wallet, now written with Flutter.
🤳🥫 The new Open Food Facts mobile application for Android and iOS, crafted with Flutter and Dart
Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage
⛅ WeatherToday is a simple weather app built using the MVI architecture pattern. It uses the Android phone's gps to retrieve user's current location and then retrieves weather information using ope…
hackernews-reader app clone made with jetpack compose
An app that lets users access flight arrivals and departures stored on a local database
Track and book airport flights effortlessly
A Groceries Store app with basic order flow. 🍕 Help you learn modern Android development skills in real production environment. ❤️
iOS, Android & macOS app for Fluttercon Berlin 2023, built with Flutter
This is a project built with Love ❤️ and also with Clean architecture in Android .
📱 WhatsApp clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat/Video SDK for Compose.
E-commerace app IOS and android using Flutter.
Cosmos is a space science app and It is build using Modern Android development libaries and Nasa public APIs
Movie World 📱 android app built with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Room, ViewModel based on MVVM architecture recommended by Google. It offers a clean, scalable, and maintainable codebas…
🎙️ A real-time meeting room app built with Jetpack Compose to demonstrate video communications.
Algorithms and data structures in Kotlin.
A demo application that show cases the implementation of GraphQL. GraphQL is a schema defined language API that fixes the issue of over-fetching and under-fetching of data from backend as opposed t…
JasperEssien2 / dart_pdf
Forked from DavBfr/dart_pdfPdf creation module for dart/flutter