Offline Record Management with Data Sync
Steps to run app:
Step 1: Open terminal and navigate to the directory /src/.
Step 2: Run node index.js. You should get the following output:
<date&time stamp> Server running on http://localhost:3000
<date&time stamp> Connected to the PostgreSQL database
All routes will be testable from postman once this step is completed.
Step 3: Open another terminal window and navigate to the directory /src/quasar-project/src.
Step 4: Run quasar dev. This will check all quasar dependencies and once done, it will open the app in a browser window. You should get the following output:
App • Opening default browser at http://localhost:9000/
[ESLint] Found 0 error and 0 warning
[vue-tsc] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
All frontend functionality can be tested once this step is completed