Reading list for research topics in multimodal machine learning
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
📘《Python进阶》(Intermediate Python - Chinese Version)
Python utilities for working with patent citation data. Notebooks for dumping and chunking RDS MySQL db, pandas data transformations, exporting to CSV, JSON, collecting custom datasets, and more.
Using graph properties of patent co-authorship and citation networks to predict future H-indices
A collection of python projects relating to natural language processing, including computational linguistics, network graph analysis, and patent analytics. Live examples are hosted on my JupyterHub…
Patent Citation Network Analysis: Graph Theory
Find the citation network from patent data collected from 1976 to 2006.
Patent knowledge impact analysis with citation networks
Community detection in patent co-citation network
Python code to generate network of patents over time and to process the centrality measures of the network.
xmnlp:提供中文分词, 词性标注, 命名体识别,情感分析,文本纠错,文本转拼音,文本摘要,偏旁部首,句子表征及文本相似度计算等功能