⭐Build SEO optimized personal blog website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file.
LeetCode Clone Tutorial | NextJS, TypeScript and Firebase
MERN Stack Threads Clone + Advanced Chat App
This project is a Flask-based web application designed for managing and collecting data from multiple campaigns. Users can create campaigns, add custom fields (text, multiple choices, or file uploa…
This is the repo containing the all landing pages
💬 Typebot is a powerful chatbot builder that you can self-host.
It's able to detect 33 type of leaf diseases by using Deep learning.. I use transfer learning on the project. For More Information read my code.
My personal website. Made with love and coffee.
Developer Portfolio built with the help of a react template
A portfolio built in React and NextJS. Simple, clean, and fast.
Record voice notes & transcribe, summarize, and get tasks
The most impressive websites in the world use 3D graphics and animations to bring their content to life. Learn how to build your own ThreeJS 3D Developer Portfolio today!
Créer un ensemble d’analyses des données de l’entreprise à travers des visualisation
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial, we're going to build and deploy a React Video Chat Application using WebRTC.