Runs a once-off ECS task and streams the output via Cloudwatch Logs.
ecs-run-task - run a once-off task on ECS and tail the output from cloudwatch
ecs-run-task [options] [command override]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug Show debugging information (default: false)
--file value Task definition file in JSON or YAML
--name value Task name
--cluster value ECS cluster name (default: "default")
--log-group value Cloudwatch Log Group Name to write logs to (default: "ecs-task-runner")
--service value service to replace cmd for
--fargate Specified if task is to be run under FARGATE as opposed to EC2 (default: false)
--security-group value Security groups to launch task in (required for FARGATE). Can be specified multiple times
--subnet value Subnet to launch task in (required for FARGATE). Can be specified multiple times
--env KEY=value An environment variable to add in the form KEY=value or `KEY` (shorthand for `KEY=$KEY` to pass through an env var from the current host). Can be specified multiple times
--inherit-env Inherit all of the environment variables from the calling shell (default: false)
--count value Number of tasks to run (default: 1)
--region value AWS Region
--deregister Deregister task definition once done (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
$ aws-vault exec myprofile -- ecs-run-task --file examples/helloworld/taskdefinition.json echo "Hello from Docker!"
Hello from Docker!
The following IAM permissions are required:
- PolicyName: ECSRunTask
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- ecs:RegisterTaskDefinition
- ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition
- ecs:RunTask
- ecs:DescribeTasks
- logs:DescribeLogGroups
- logs:DescribeLogStreams
- logs:CreateLogStream
- logs:PutLogEvents
- logs:FilterLogEvents
Resource: '*'