API for managing users, teams, and requests for a game monitoring application
This is the API documentation for the Game Monitoring API. This API is used to manage users, teams, and requests for a game monitoring application. The API is protected by JWT authentication. The API server is running at http://localhost:3000. All responses are in JSON format same as your Requests have to be. Authtoken is required for all requests except for the health check and sign up endpoints. The authtoken can be obtained by signing in. The authtoken should be included in the request header as
Authorization: Bearer <authtoken>
GET /api/v1/healthcheck
Description: Checks if the API server is running.
Response: 200 OK { message: "API server running" }
GET /api/v1/user
Description: List users. (Authenticated users only)
Response: 200 OK { usersWithRank: [{ name: string, score: number, rank: number}]}
POST /api/v1/user/signup
Description: Creates a new user.
Request Body: { "username": string, "password": string }
Response: 200 OK { message: "User created successfully", token: string }
POST /api/v1/user/signin
Description: Signs in a user.
Request Body: { "username": string, "password": string }
Response: 200 OK { user: { name: string, score: number }, token: string }
GET /api/v1/team
Description: List teams.
Response: 200 OK { teams: [{ name: string, memberNumber: number, owner: string, totalScore: number }] }
POST /api/v1/team
Description: Creates a new team.
Request Body: { "name": string, "maximumMembers": number > 10 }
Response: 200 Created with the created team's information.
The API has been tested using Vitest. The tests are located in the tests
directory. The tests can be run using the command npm run test
. The tests are run against a prod database. The API server should be running before running the tests.
- Signup and signin with JWT
- Assign a random score to user upon signup
- Add middleware for protected routes
- Authenticated users can fetch user list which includes:
- Rank
- Name
- Score
- Team
- Users can create a team with the following details:
- Name
- Max member number (> 10)
- Users can update and delete their team
- Owner can accept and reject join requests
- Users can fetch team list which includes:
- Team name
- Member number
- Owner name
- Total score of members in the team
- Users can fetch a details of a team which includes:
- Team name
- Member list
- Rank
- Name
- Score