This repository contains the optimization algorithm implemented in "Salazar et al., Coded Aperture Optimization in Spatial Spectral Compressive Spectral Imagers". The original paper can be downloaded from Please cite this paper if used. The cost function can be seen below .
For details about the derivation process please refer to the original paper. A detailed explanation of the uploaded files can be seen below:
exe: Main file.
evaluation_2_blue_fin: Function that executes the principal algorithm
ct_fn: Calculation of the first and second terms, EQ. (22)
ct_fn_ver: Calculation of the thrid term, EQ. (22)
ct_fn_2_opt_2: Calculation of the first and second terms, EQ. (22) for a single iteration
example: Implementation of the optimization for a given scenario. Plots the evolution of the cos function and also the patterns after each iteration
my_bool: Creates an array of matrices with boolean complementary codes (see restiction on Eq. (22)).
The figure below shows the evolution of the patterns over the iterations:
@article{salazar2020coded, title={Coded aperture optimization in spatial spectral compressive spectral imagers}, author={Salazar, Edgar and Arce, Gonzalo R}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, volume={6}, pages={764--777}, year={2020}, publisher={IEEE} }