LPG-Leak-Detection-System Public
Forked from TheCharlesJosh/LPG-Leak-Detection-SystemLPG/Propane Gas Leak Detector, Web Interface, and Stepper Actuator for Intel Galileo
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2015 -
perl-nss Public
Forked from 0xxon/perl-nssPerl interface to the NSS library
Perl Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedSep 22, 2014 -
startbootstrap Public
Forked from BlackrockDigital/startbootstrapFree Bootstrap Themes & Templates
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 25, 2014 -
appinventor-sources Public
Forked from themadrobot/appinventor-sourcesMIT App Inventor with modifed components and enhancements
JavaScript UpdatedJul 17, 2014 -
angular.js Public
Forked from angular/angular.jsHTML enhanced for web apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 10, 2014 -
jquery-mobile Public
Forked from jquery-archive/jquery-mobilejQuery Mobile Framework
App-Inventor-Gallery Public
Forked from karuto/App-Inventor-GalleryProposed by Google & MIT, this is the mobile app version for UMASS' App Inventor Gallery, which will be deployed with the initial launch of App Engine Version 1.0.
Java UpdatedMay 19, 2012 -
KChApp Public
Final Project for DEVPROG: a Youtube Video Aggregator for Knowledge Channel made in Android Platform
google-bouncing-balls Public
Forked from robhawkes/google-bouncing-ballsA HTML5 canvas version of the Google bouncing balls logo
ECMI-App Public
Forked from jerieljan/ECMI-AppA simple web application, based on the Ethical Choices Mapping Instrument.
Ethics-Poll Public
Forked from jerieljan/Ethics-PollThe Multidimensional Ethics Survey Poll
Viper Public
Forked from docelic/ViperFully Automated Installation and Configuration for Debian GNU based systems