Pokémon consuming app Create a simple app that consumes the service to get all pokémon’s information provided by the PokéAPI: https://pokeapi.co/. It must contain the following features:
Have a way to show all pokémon in order and separated by generation 1, 2, 3 & 4.
When a pokémon is tapped, the app should display another view that contains the following info: a. Official-Artwork b. Name c. Types (water, fire, poison, etc) d. Pokedex number. e. Weight & Height f. List of at least 5 moves (scratch, sand-attack, headbutt, etc) g. Optional: Another info you consider ok.
There should be another view for voting random pokémons using the ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ way.
Store into a local database each voted pokémon. The app should be able to show that list. Considerations
The app should run on iOS 13.0 and above.
Manage error cases properly.
Use any architectural pattern different from MVC (MVP, MVVM, VIPER, Clean).
Use Swift only.
Add Unit & UI tests as much as possible.
You can use any framework/library that you consider convenient.