First create a folder in a convenient place before cloning it. Let's assume, to give an example, that we create the [place_a_name_here] folder on the home directory. From the terminal:
>>> cd [place_a_name_here]
And then clone the repository:
>>> git clone
Finally navigate to the repository folder:
>>> cd NIRPS-data-handling-session
Lets start by creating a NIRPS_dhs conda environment running python 3.9
>>> conda create --name NIRPS_dhs python=3.9
Next activate it
>>> conda activate NIRPS_dhs
Install the requirements for all the packages we will be using.
>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
Start to install ipython to the NIRPS_dhs environment
>>> conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
Make the connection between the environment and jupyter
>>> python -m ipykernel install --user --name=NIRPS_dhs
Start jupyter and check if NIRPS_dhs is one of the available kernels.
The tool itself does not require anything more to install other than the requirements, which were dealt already. The telluric correction is performed inside the folder structure provided in the repository.
Clone the repository to the folder created before:
>>> git clone
And that is it! You can now test if it is running properly with the provided example:
>>> cd Telluric_correction
>>> python
Clone the repository to the folder created before
>>> git clone
Go to the Line-by-line code folder
>>> cd lbl
Install it
>>> pip install -U -e .