The task is to build a simple calculator using ReactJS. The calculator should be able to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The ReactJS calculator was built by creating components for the display, punch buttons, operators, and number buttons. The display component is responsible for rendering the current calculation and result. The punch buttons component contains the number buttons, the clear button, and the equal button. The operators component contains the arithmetic operators, and the number buttons component generates the numbers for the calculator.
The application uses the useState hook to keep track of the current calculation and result. The UpdateCalc function updates the current calculation as buttons are clicked, and the computeResult function evaluates the current calculation and updates the result.
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies by running npm install
- Run npm start to start the development server
- Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser
The calculator allows the user to perform basic arithmetic operations by clicking the corresponding buttons on the calculator interface. The current calculation and result are displayed in the calculator interface. Clicking the clear button (C) clears the current calculation and result.
Idriss Ibrahim Dodo [email protected]
Made at Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School <img alt='Qwasar SV -- Software Engineering School's Logo' src='' width='20px'>