This project has been replaced by SMRT-SV v2:
The branch of SMRT-SV in this repository is no longer maintained.
Structural variant (SV) and indel caller for PacBio reads based on methods from Chaisson et al. 2014.
SMRT-SV provides an official software package for tools described in Chaisson et al. 2014 and adds several key features including the following.
- Unified variant calling user interface with built-in cluster compute support
- Small indel calling (2-49 bp)
- Improved inversion calling (
) - Quality metric for SV calls based on number of local assemblies supporting each call
- Higher sensitivity for SV calls using tiled local assemblies across the entire genome instead of "signature" regions
- Genotyping of SVs with Illumina paired-end reads from WGS samples
SMRT-SV requires git, Python (2.6.6 or later) and Perl (5.10.1 or later) for installation.
SMRT-SV has been tested on CentOS 6.8 and should work with most Linux-style distributions.
Clone the repository into your desired installation directory and build SMRT-SV dependencies.
mkdir /usr/local/smrtsv
cd /usr/local/smrtsv
git clone --recursive .
Note that some dependencies (e.g., RepeatMasker) require hardcoded paths to this installation directory. If you need to move SMRT-SV to another directory, it is easier to change to that directory, clone the repository, and rebuild the dependencies there.
Add the installation directory to your path.
export PATH=/usr/local/smrtsv/bin:$PATH
Print SMRT-SV help to confirm installation. --help
Alternately, run
directly from the installation directory.
/usr/local/smrtsv/bin/ --help
SMRT-SV uses DRMAA to submit jobs to a grid-engine-style cluster. To enable the --distribute
option of SMRT SV, add the following line to your .bash_profile
with the correct path to the DRMAA library for your cluster.
export DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/uge/lib/lx-amd64/
Alternately, provide the path to your DRMAA library with the SMRT-SV
Additionally, you may need to configure resource requirements depending on your
cluster and PacBio data. Use the --cluster_config
option when running SMRT-SV
to pass a JSON file that specifies Snakemake-style cluster
parameters. An
example configuration used to run SMRT-SV with human genomes on the Eichler lab
cluster is provided in this repository in the file cluster.eichler.json
The following tutorial shows how to call structural variants and indels in yeast.
# List of AWS-hosted files from PacBio including raw reads and an HGAP assembly.
# Keep only .xml, .bas.h5, and .bax.h5 files.
sed '/fasta/d;/fastq/d;/celera/d;/HGAP/d' gistfile1.txt > gistfile1.keep.txt
# Download data into a raw reads directory.
mkdir -p raw_reads
cd raw_reads
for f in `cat ../gistfile1.keep.txt`; do wget --force-directories $f; done
# Create a list of reads for analysis.
cd ..
find ./raw_reads -name "*.bax.h5" -exec readlink -f {} \; > reads.fofn
Download the reference assembly (sacCer3) from UCSC.
mkdir -p reference
cd reference
Unpack the reference tarball and concatenate individual chromosome files into a single reference FASTA file.
tar zxvf chromFa.tar.gz
cat *.fa > sacCer3.fasta
rm -f *.fa *.gz
cd ..
Prepare the reference sequence for alignment with PacBio reads. This step produces suffix array and ctab files used by BLASR to speed up alignments. index reference/sacCer3.fasta
Align reads to the reference with BLASR. align reference/sacCer3.fasta reads.fofn
Find candidate regions to search for SVs based on SV signatures. detect reference/sacCer3.fasta alignments.fofn candidates.bed
Assemble local regions of the genome that have SV signatures or tile across the genome. assemble reference/sacCer3.fasta reads.fofn alignments.fofn candidates.bed local_assembly_alignments.bam
Call variants by aligning tiled local assemblies back to the reference. Optionally, specify the sample name for annotation of the final VCF file and a species name (common or scientific as supported by RepeatMasker) for repeat masking of structural variants. call reference/sacCer3.fasta alignments.fofn local_assembly_alignments.bam variants.vcf --sample UCSF_Yeast9464 --species yeast
After discovery of SVs with SMRT-SV, use SMRT Genotyper to determine whether those SVs are present in one or more Illumina-sequenced samples. The genotyper provides homozygous reference, heterozygous, and homozygous alternate genotypes for each SV when 5 or more reads are present at any of the SV breakpoints.
To run the genotyper, first prepare a configuration file that looks like the following example.
"homozygous_binomial_probability": 0.95,
"heterozygous_binomial_probability": 0.5,
"sample_manifest": "/home/jlhudd/",
"local_assembly_alignments": "/home/jlhudd/CHM1_local_assembly_alignments.bam",
"sv_calls": "/home/jlhudd/CHM1_variants.vcf.gz",
"sv_reference": "/home/jlhudd/ucsc.hg38.no_alts.fasta",
"sv_reference_lengths": "/home/jlhudd/ucsc.hg38.no_alts.fasta.fai",
"bam_reference": {
"human_1kg_v37": "/home/jlhudd/human_1kg_v37.fasta",
"hg38": "/home/jlhudd/ucsc.hg38.no_alts.fasta",
"default_bam_reference": "human_1kg_v37",
"sample_bam_reference": {
"samples": {
"CHM1": "/home/jlhudd/CHM1_illumina_reads.bam",
"CHM13": "/home/jlhudd/CHM13_illumina_reads.bam"
The parameters in this JSON file are described in the table below.
Parameter | Description |
homozygous_binomial_probability | the probability to use in the binomial probability calculation for the heterozygous genotype state |
heterozygous_binomial_probability | the probability to use in the binomial probability calculation for the heterozygous genotype state |
sample_manifest | a headered tab-delimited manifest with "sample" and "sex" columns for each sample being genotyped where the sample name must match the sample name in the corresponding BAM's read group |
local_assembly_alignments | the absolute path to a BAM file containing BLASR alignments of local assemblies to the SV reference |
sv_calls | a VCF of variants including SVs (insertions and deletions >=50 bp) |
sv_reference | the absolute path to the FASTA for the reference used to call SVs |
sv_reference_lengths | the absolute path to the FASTA index (.fai) for the reference used to call SVs or chromInfo.txt file |
bam_reference | a dictionary of reference names and absolute paths to their corresponding FASTA sequence and BWA index |
default_bam_reference | the name of the reference to use by default when one isn't specified for a sample |
sample_bam_reference | a dictionary of sample names and their corresponding reference names if they differ from the default reference |
samples | a dictionary of sample names and absolute paths to BAMs containing paired-end Illumina sequences for each sample |
Finally, genotype SVs using the configuration file and specifying the name of the final compressed VCF with genotypes. genotype genotyper.config.json genotypes.vcf.gz
Note that the genotyper assumes that:
- input genomes are in BAM format with alignments generated by BWA MEM against an existing reference assembly
- BAMs have the sample tag ("SM") defined in the read group