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EideardVMR edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the unraid-smbackup wiki!

The real goal of this project was a plugin that creates and keeps all my VMs and Docker containers on a specific backup schedule (X Days, X Weeks, X Months, X Years). Additionally, it should copy the last backup to an external hard drive at certain times, which I can swap out.

What has become of it?

During the programming I encountered many small hurdles and more and more new ideas came to me. So, in addition to the primary backup functionality, a snapshot manager was created. This is very primitive, but it is completely sufficient!

What do you need to use the plugin?

First of all, you should have a unraid. Furthermore, a stable array and domains as well as appdata should be in the cache.

Everything else and more detailed information can be found on the corresponding pages.

Is it dangerous to use this plugin?

Basically, any plugin that moves/changes/deletes files on your system brings some risk.

However, after extensive testing I could not find any problems. Additionally, there are instructions on how to test the plugin on your system to make sure there are no problems.