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chinese lesson 2
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lukezhangstudio committed Jan 17, 2018
1 parent 292445b commit 5150fec
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@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
title: Zombies Attack Their Victims
header: So, you've made it to Lesson 2!
title: 僵尸攻击人类
header: 所以,你需要晋级至第二课!
roadmap: roadmap2.jpg

Impressive, human! You're a better coder than I thought.

Lesson 2 will teach you how to **multiply your zombie army by feeding on other lifeforms**.

In this lesson we will cover some more advanced Solidity concepts, so it's highly
recommended that you complete Lesson 1 before starting.
厉害了,我的人类! 你比我设想的更会编程!
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answer: 1

In lesson 1, we created a function that takes a name, uses it to generate a random zombie, and adds that zombie to our app's zombie database on the blockchain.
在第一课中,我们创建了一个命名的函数用来生成僵尸 ,并且将它放置在我们区块链的僵尸数据库中。
在第二课里,我们会让我们的app更加像一个游戏: 让它支持多用户,并且采用更加有趣--而不仅仅随机--的方式,来生成僵尸,

In lesson 2, we're going to make our app more game-like: We're going to make it multi-player, and we'll also be adding a more fun way to create zombies instead of just generating them randomly.

How will we create new zombies? By having our zombies "feed" on other lifeforms!
## 僵尸喂食

## Zombie Feeding
僵尸喂食的时候, 它会用病毒侵入宿主, 这些病毒会将宿主变为新的僵尸,加入你的军团。系统会通过宿主和侵入僵尸的DNA计算出新僵尸的DNA。

When a zombie feeds, it infects the host with a virus. The virus then turns the host into a new zombie that joins your army. The new zombie's DNA will be calculated from the previous zombie's DNA and the host's DNA.

And what do our zombies like to feed on most?
# 小测试

To find that out... You'll have to complete lesson 2!
可见,新僵尸的DNA是通过从原来的僵尸的DNA, 加上宿主的DNA计算得来的。

# Put it to the test

There's a simple demo of feeding to the right. Click on a human to see what happens when your zombie feeds!

You can see that the new zombie's DNA is determined by your original zombie's DNA, as well as the host's DNA.

When you're ready, click "Next chapter" to move on, and let's get started by making our game multi-player.
学完这一章,请点击“下一章”, 我们让游戏支持多玩家模式。
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It's time to feed our zombies! And what do zombies like to eat most?
是时候喂喂我们的僵尸了! 那僵尸最喜欢吃什么呢?

Well it just so happens that CryptoZombies love to eat...

**CryptoKitties!** 😱😱😱
** CryptoKitties** 😱😱😱

(Yes, I'm serious 😆 )

In order to do this we'll need to read the kittyDna from the CryptoKitties smart contract. We can do that because the CryptoKitties data is stored openly on the blockchain. Isn't the blockchain cool?!

Don't worry — our game isn't actually going to hurt anyone's CryptoKitty. We're only *reading* the CryptoKitties data, we're not able to actually delete it 😉
别担心 - 我们的游戏并不会伤害到任何真正的CryptoKitty。 我们只读取* CryptoKitties数据,但是无法物理上删除它

## Interacting with other contracts

For our contract to talk to another contract on the blockchain that we don't own, first we need to define an **_interface_**.
如果我们的合约需要和区块链上的其他的合约对话,则需要先定义一个** _interface_ **(接口)。

先举一个简单的栗子。 假设在区块链上有这么一个合约:

Let's look at a simple example. Say there was a contract on the blockchain that looked like this:

contract LuckyNumber {
Expand All @@ -127,33 +128,34 @@ contract LuckyNumber {

This would be a simple contract where anyone could store their lucky number, and it will be associated with their Ethereum address. Then anyone else could look up that person's lucky number using their address.
这是个简单的合约,您可以用它存储自己的幸运号码,并与您的以太坊地址关联。 这样其他人就可以使用这个地址查找您的幸运号码了。


Now let's say we had an external contract that wanted to read the data in this contract using the `getNum` function.
首先,我们定义“LuckyNumber”合约的** _interface_ **

First we'd have to define an **_interface_** of the `LuckyNumber` contract:

contract NumberInterface {
function getNum(address _myAddress) public view returns (uint);

Notice that this looks like defining a contract, with a few differences. For one, we're only declaring the functions we want to interact with — in this case `getNum` — and we don't mention any of the other functions or state variables.
请注意,这个过程看起来像在定义一个合同,不同的是,首先,我们只声明了要与之交互的函数 - 在本例中为`getNum` - 而且,我们没有使用到任何关于函数或状态的变量。

Secondly, we're not defining the function bodies. Instead of curly braces (`{` and `}`), we're simply ending the function declaration with a semi-colon (`;`).

So it kind of looks like a contract skeleton. This is how the compiler knows it's an interface.

By including this interface in our dapp's code our contract knows what the other contract's functions look like, how to call them, and what sort of response to expect.

We'll get into actually calling the other contract's functions in the next lesson, but for now let's declare our interface for the CryptoKitties contract.

# Put it to the test
# 小测试

We've looked up the CryptoKitties source code for you, and found a function called `getKitty` that returns all the kitty's data, including its "genes" (which is what our zombie game needs to form a new zombie!).

The function looks like this:

function getKitty(uint256 _id) external view returns (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,10 +186,10 @@ function getKitty(uint256 _id) external view returns (

The function looks a bit different than we're used to. You can see it returns... a bunch of different values. If you're coming from a programming language like Javascript, this is different — in Solidity you can return more than one value from a function.
这个函数看起来跟我们习惯的函数不太一样。 它竟然返回了...一堆不同的值! 如果您使用过Javascript之类的编程语言,一定会感到奇怪 - 在Solidity中,您可以让一个函数返回多个值。

Now that we know what this function looks like, we can use it to create an interface:

1. Define an interface called `KittyInterface`. Remember, this looks just like creating a new contract — we use the `contract` keyword.
1.定义一个名为`KittyInterface`的接口。 请注意,因为我们使用了`contract`关键字, 这过程看起来就像创建一个新的合同一样。

2. Inside the interface, define the function `getKitty` (which should be a copy/paste of the function above, but with a semi-colon after the `returns` statement, instead of everything inside the curly braces.
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Continuing our previous example with `NumberInterface`, once we've defined the interface as:

contract NumberInterface {
function getNum(address _myAddress) public view returns (uint);

We can use it in a contract as follows:

contract MyContract {
Expand All @@ -139,10 +138,10 @@ contract MyContract {

In this way, your contract can interact with any other contract on the Ethereum blockchain, as long they expose those functions as `public` or `external`.

# Put it to the test

Let's set up our contract to read from the CryptoKitties smart contract!

1. I've saved the address of the CryptoKitties contract in the code for you, under a variable named `ckAddress`. In the next line, create a `KittyInterface` named `kittyContract`, and initialize it with `ckAddress` — just like we did with `numberContract` above.
1.我已经将代码中CryptoKitties合约的地址保存在一个名为`ckAddress`的变量中。在下一行中,请创建一个名为`kittyContract`的KittyInterface,并用`ckAddress`初始化 - 就像我们为`numberContract`所做的一样。
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This `getKitty` function is the first example we've seen that returns multiple values. Let's look at how to handle them:

function multipleReturns() internal returns(uint a, uint b, uint c) {
Expand All @@ -145,18 +145,18 @@ function getLastReturnValue() external {

# Put it to the test
# 小测试

Time to interact with the CryptoKitties contract!

Let's make a function that gets the kitty genes from the contract:
让我们定义一个函数,从kitty 合约中获取它的基因:

1. Make a function called `feedOnKitty`. It will take 2 `uint` parameters, `_zombieId` and `_kittyId`, and should be a `public` function.

2. The function should first declare a `uint` named `kittyDna`.

> Note: In our `KittyInterface`, `genes` is a `uint256` — but if you remember back to lesson 1, `uint` is an alias for `uint256` — they're the same thing.

3. The function should then call the `kittyContract.getKitty` function with `_kittyId` and store `genes` in `kittyDna`. Remember — `getKitty` returns a ton of variables. (10 to be exact — I'm nice, I counted them for you!). But all we care about is the last one, `genes`. Count your commas carefully!
3.这个函数接下来使用了 _kittyId 参数,去调用`kittyContract.getKitty`函数,并将返回的 `genes`存储在`kittyDna`中。记住 - `getKitty`会返回一大堆变量。 (确切地说10个 - 我已经为你数过了,不错吧!)。但是我们只关心最后一个--“基因”。数逗号的时候小心点哦!

4. Finally, the function should call `feedAndMultiply`, and pass it both `_zombieId` and `kittyDna`.
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Our function logic is now complete... but let's add in one bonus feature.

Let's make it so zombies made from kitties have some unique feature that shows they're cat-zombies.

To do this, we can add some special kitty code in the zombie's DNA.

If you recall from lesson 1, we're currently only using the first 12 digits of our 16 digit DNA to determine the zombie's appearance. So let's use the last 2 unused digits to handle "special" characteristics.

We'll say that cat-zombies have `99` as their last two digits of DNA (since cats have 9 lives). So in our code, we'll say `if` a zombie comes from a cat, then set the last two digits of DNA to `99`.

## If statements

If statements in Solidity look just like javascript:
## if 语句

if语句的语法在 Solidity中,与在javascript差不多:
function eatBLT(string sandwich) public {
// Remember with strings, we have to compare their keccak256 hashes
Expand All @@ -157,16 +157,20 @@ function eatBLT(string sandwich) public {

# Put it to the test
# 小测试

Let's implement cat genes in our zombie code.

1. First, let's change the function definition for `feedAndMultiply` so it takes a 3rd argument: a `string` named `species`

2. Next, after we calculate the new zombie's DNA, let's add an `if` statement comparing the `keccak256` hashes of `species` and the string `"kitty"`

3. Inside the `if` statement, we want to replace the last 2 digits of DNA with `99`. One way to do this is using the logic: `newDna = newDna - newDna % 100 + 99;`.
`if`语句中,我们想用`99`替换DNA的最后两位数字。一种方法是使用逻辑:`newDna = newDna - newDna100 + 99;`

> Explanation: Assume `newDna` is `334455`. Then `newDna % 100` is `55`, so `newDna - newDna % 100` is `334400`. Finally add `99` to get `334499`.
3.`if`语句中,我们用`99`替换了新僵尸DNA的最后两位数字。可以这么做:`newDna = newDna - newDna%100 + 99;`

 >解释:假设`newDna``334455`。那么`newDna%100``55`,所以`newDna - newDna%100`得到`334400`。最后加上`99`可得到`334499`

4. Lastly, we need to change the function call inside `feedOnKitty`. When it calls `feedAndMultiply`, add the parameter `"kitty"` to the end.

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answer: 1

That's it, you've completed lesson 2!

You can check out the demo to the right to see it in action. Go ahead, I know you can't wait until the bottom of this page 😉. Click a kitty to attack, and see the new kitty zombie you get!

## Javascript implementation
## Javascript 实现

Once we're ready to deploy this contract to Ethereum we'll just compile and deploy `ZombieFeeding` — since this contract is our final contract that inherits from `ZombieFactory`, and has access to all the public methods in both contracts.
我们只用编译和部署`ZombieFeeding`,就可以将这个合约部署到以太坊了。 - 因为我们最终完成的这个合约继承自`ZombieFactory`,并且它可以访问自己和父辈合约中的所有public方法。

Let's look at an example of interacting with our deployed contract using Javascript and web3.js:
我们来看一个与我们的刚部署的合约进行交互的例子, 这个例子使用了Javascript和web3.js

var abi = /* abi generated by the compiler */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,10 +56,8 @@ ZombieFactory.NewZombie(function(error, result) {

# Give it a try!

Select the kitty you want to feed on. Your zombie's DNA and the kitty's DNA will combine, and you'll get a new zombie in your army!

Notice those cute cat legs on your new zombie? That's our final `99` digits of DNA at work 😉

You can start over and try again if you want. When you get a kitty zombie you're happy with (you only get to keep one), go ahead and proceed to the next chapter to complete lesson 2!

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