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Customize vscode to make it keyboard first as far as possible (inspired by neovim)


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Customize VSCode to prioritize keyboard usage as much as possible (inspired by Neovim) Screenshot


  1. Prerequisites

  2. Installation

  3. Usage

  4. Contributing


Before customizing VSCode, make sure you have the following tools installed on your machine:

These tools are essential for enhancing your keyboard-first experience with VSCode. You can install these tools using the following commands:

# Mac OS
brew install fzf
brew install ripgrep
brew install lazygit

# Windows
choco install fzf
choco install ripgrep
choco install lazygit

# Ubuntu Linux
sudo apt-get install fzf
sudo apt-get install ripgrep
LAZYGIT_VERSION=$(curl -s "" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K[^"]*')
curl -Lo lazygit.tar.gz "${LAZYGIT_VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz"
tar xf lazygit.tar.gz lazygit
sudo install lazygit /usr/local/bin

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman fzf ripgrep lazygit

You also need to install the following fonts:

Once you have installed these prerequisites, you can proceed with the customization steps.


⚠️ Warning: Before customizing VSCode, it is highly recommended to make a backup of your current setup. This will allow you to revert back to your original configuration if needed.

on Mac OS:
> cp "${userHome}/Library/Application Support/Code/User/" "${userHome}/Library/Application Support/Code/User.bak"

on Linux:

>cp "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/VSCode/User" "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/VSCode/User.bak"

1. Install the extensions

To install the extensions, run the following command:

on Mac OS:
> cat extensions.txt | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
on Linux:
> cat extensions.txt | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension

This command installs each extension listed in the extensions.txt file using the code --install-extension command (code for the closed source version, codium for the open sourced, in Linux).

2. Copy/overwrite configuration files

Now copy keybindings.json, settings.json, and welcomePage.js to your VSCode User folder:

on Mac OS:
cp -i keybindings.json settings.json welcomePage.js "${userHome}/Library/Application Support/Code/User"
on Linux:

In Linux, several additional steps are required for this configuration to run properly. First, the Custom UI Style extension needs to be able to manipulate the files in the VSCode/Codium installation. Also, Linux users should edit the 'settings_linux.json' to ensure paths are correct for your distribution.

cp keybindings.json welcomePage.js "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/VSCode/User/"
cp settings_linux.json "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/VSCode/User/settings.json"

This command copies the mentioned files to the appropriate location in your VSCode User folder.

3. Reload/Restart VS Code

Reload or restart VSCode and now you are done! You can enjoy this minimalist VSCode setup.


This table shows the current keybindings, editable in "keybindings.json".

Click to view key commands
key command trigger args
shift+cmd+t -workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor
shift+cmd+t terminalProcessSupported
ctrl+shift+` terminalProcessSupported
cmd+[KeyM] workbench.action.createTerminalEditor
cmd+h workbench.action.toggleActivityBarVisibility
ctrl+` -workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal
alt+f eslint.executeAutofix
ctrl+shift+g editor.action.rename editorHasRenameProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly
f2 -editor.action.rename editorHasRenameProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly
shift+cmd+g workbench.action.tasks.runTask LazyGit
ctrl+shift+g -workbench.view.scm !gitlens:disabled && config.gitlens.keymap == 'chorded'
shift+cmd+t -extension.goToTest editorTextFocus
shift+cmd+t extension.splitTestFile editorTextFocus
cmd+f1 -extension.splitTestFile editorTextFocus
cmd+[Comma] f -testing.runCurrentFile editorTextFocus
ctrl+f runCurrentTest.runAndUpdateSnapshots
ctrl+g workbench.action.tasks.runTask terminalProcessSupported LazyGit
cmd+8 editorFocus
alt+f8 editorFocus
cmd+9 editor.action.marker.nextInFiles editorFocus
f8 -editor.action.marker.nextInFiles editorFocus
ctrl+alt+cmd+right workbench.action.decreaseViewSize
ctrl+alt+cmd+left workbench.action.increaseViewSize
ctrl+alt+cmd+up workbench.action.evenEditorWidths
cmd+t -workbench.action.showAllSymbols
cmd+t workbench.action.createTerminalEditorSide
ctrl+tab extension.goToTest
cmd+p -extension.GoToAnything
shift+alt fuzzySearch.activeTextEditor
alt+cmd+p projectManager.listProjects
alt+cmd+p -projectManager.listProjects
cmd+u -cursorUndo textInputFocus
cmd+u thunder-client.import-curl
shift+cmd+c -workbench.action.terminal.openNativeConsole !terminalFocus
shift+cmd+c vscode-chatgpt.view.focus
shift+cmd+r -rerunSearchEditorSearch inSearchEditor
shift+cmd+r -nodeReadme.showReadme editorTextFocus
shift+cmd+r vscode-chatgpt.optimize
shift+cmd+t vscode-chatgpt.addTests
ctrl+j workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal
shift+alt+right editor.action.inlineSuggest.showNext
shift+alt+left editor.action.inlineSuggest.showPrevious
shift+alt+down editor.action.inlineSuggest.trigger
shift+cmd+a copilot-labs.use-brush-picker editorTextFocus
shift+alt+cmd+e -copilot-labs.use-brush-picker editorTextFocus
shift+cmd+t chatgpt-vscode.addTests editorHasSelection
cmd+k shift+cmd+1 -chatgpt-vscode.addTests editorHasSelection
shift+cmd+c chatgpt-vscode.adhoc editorHasSelection
cmd+k shift+cmd+7 -chatgpt-vscode.adhoc editorHasSelection
shift+cmd+c chatgpt-vscode.freeText
shift+cmd+m workbench.action.toggleMaximizedPanel
shift+cmd+g -editor.action.previousMatchFindAction editorFocus
shift+cmd+g -workbench.action.terminal.findPrevious terminalFindFocused && terminalHasBeenCreated || terminalFindFocused && terminalProcessSupported || terminalFocus && terminalHasBeenCreated || terminalFocus && terminalProcessSupported
shift+cmd+f find-it-faster.findWithinFiles
shift+cmd+u -find-it-faster.findWithinFiles
shift+cmd+u && neverMatch =~ /doesNotMatch/
shift+cmd+f && neverMatch =~ /doesNotMatch/
shift+cmd+r chatgpt-vscode.optimize editorHasSelection
cmd+k shift+cmd+3 -chatgpt-vscode.optimize editorHasSelection
shift+cmd+k workbench.action.terminal.killAll
shift+cmd+g workbench.scm.focus
ctrl+g lazygit-vscode.toggle
shift+cmd+l -lazygit-vscode.toggle
ctrl+p binocular.customCommands pipeline
ctrl+shift+p binocular.customCommands
shift+tab workbench.action.previousEditorInGroup
cmd+k alt+cmd+left -workbench.action.previousEditorInGroup
shift+tab workbench.action.previousEditor
ctrl+alt+cmd+5 -workbench.action.previousEditor
alt+cmd+left -workbench.action.previousEditor

Toggle terminal (cmd+, cmd+t or ctrl+j)

Press cmd+t to toggle the terminal on the side. Press cmd+, to open a full editor terminal. Press ctrl+j to open the integrated terminal.

Git (ctrl+g)

Press ctrl+g to open lazygit. With this tool, you can perform all your git operations using the keyboard only.


Search text (cmd+shift+f)

Press cmd+shift+f to search for text in your project. This will trigger find-it-faster extension, which is a fzf-rigrep wrapper for VSCode. It has the advantage of showing a preview of the file where the text is found.


Search file (cmd+p)

Press cmd+p to search for a file in your project. This will trigger the command palette, which has been redesigned. It is noticeably bigger and centered, so you don't have to look at the top of the screen to see the results.


The welcome page

The welcome page has also been redesigned. You can modify the welcome page by editing the welcomePage.js file.



If you have any suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or a pull request. Note that I am currently using Mac OS, so improvements for the documentation on other OSes are more than welcome.


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