Simple Console Application to Backup SQL Database, Application file and replace file with updated file.
I created this tool to help my self on test changes on testing environment. After every main update I had to take backup of test env database and application main dll file. And have to replace dll files and test the services are working. Since I do this every time and this is a repetative work, I created simple application to do it automatically.
First download the executable.(If you need there is source code and solution. You can run it on VS.) Update the conf.json file with your data.
"host": "HOST",
"database": "DATABASE",
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"sourcepath": "C:\\Users\\dev\\src\\App\\bin",
"targetpath": "\\\\HOST\\www\\APP\\Production\\bin",
"backuppath": "\\\\HOST\\temp\\AutoBackup\\",
"replacingfile": [
Replace values with your data and run AutoBackupTool.exe file.
Thats all.
- Take backup of database.
- Move given file in the host to backup place (Database backup and file will contain in the same folder).
- Move your updated file to host.
Backup folder will follow "databasename_date_timewithsecond" name format. ex: "testdb_20190115_162635"
Database bak file also take the same name format.