Emcey-Book-List Emcey-Book-List is an online library application built using Vite.js, React, and MongoDB. Users can create their own accounts, manage their book lists, and explore a collection of books. Additionally, there is an admin panel that allows administrators to manage users, books, and perform administrative tasks.
Features User Authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and manage their own book lists. Book Management: Users can add, edit, and delete books from their lists. Admin Panel: Administrators have access to an admin panel for managing users and books. GraphQL API: The backend uses GraphQL for querying and manipulating data. Installation Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/Emceyy/Emcey-Book-List.git
Install dependencies for both the client and server:
cd client npm install
cd ../server npm install
Set up your MongoDB connection: Create a .env file in the server directory and add your MongoDB connection string: MONGODB_URI=
Start the development server:
cd client npm run dev
cd ../server node index
Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to open a pull request.
License This project is licensed under the ISC License.
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