Full Disk Access with MDC
FileTroller by. Nathan
DirtyJit by. Haxi0
- Download the git
- Open FileTroller in Xcode
- Install the app from Xcode to your device
- Find out what the UDID is from FileTroller of your device
- in patchddi change the numbers to your ios version + change the UDID of the app in patchddi file
- execute patchdii after that execute signddi
Example: ./patchddi.sh
- Use DirtyJIT to replace iPhone.pem
- Mount the DDI
Example: ideviceimagemounter (DDI.dmg) (DDI.dmg.signature)
Note : if you get an error while the process close Xcode and reboot your iPhone After that replace iphone.pem again with DirtyJIT... DirtyJIT is an ios app
- Open FileTroller on you device and press on the Button
- Now you have FDA
- connect to the daemon over iSH (nc 1337) or over your computer (nc (iP Adress here) 1337)
- connected you need to run "tccd" to escape the Sandbox
run commands like "cd" and "ls" to use it