A Terraform module which creates Workspace on Terraform Cloud / Enterprise with the following characteristics:
- Ability to configure all kind of Variables (HCL, Non HCL, Sensitive, Non Sensitive, Terraform or ENV)
- Allow to enable or not notification at the workspace level
- Allow you to choose to enable vcs connection at the workspace level
Tested with Terraform 1.3.2
Requires Terrform version > 1.3.0
Note: All workspace inputs are not demonstrated in below example, have a look att the variables.tf
to understand all available inputs
Workspace with notification and vcs example:
module "demo_workspace" {
source = "./modules/terraform-terraform-workspace-factory"
workspace = [
name = "project_with_vcs"
organization = "test_organization"
tf_version = "1.3.2"
file_triggers_enabled = true
trigger_patterns = ["path/*"]
vcs_configuration = [
identifier = "organisation/repo"
branch = "main"
oauth_token_id = "ot-21hhhabcdefoia123"
workspace_variables = {
"mykey" = {
value = "myvalue"
category = "terraform"
hcl = "false"
sensitive = "false"
notification_configuration = [
name = "test_notifaction"
enabled = true
token" = "my_token"
destination_type = "slack"
url = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/AB1C2SE98/AB1C2SE98/21hhhabcdefoia123"
triggers = "run:needs_attention"
Workspace without notification and vcs example:
module "demo_workspace" {
source = "./modules/terraform-terraform-workspace-factory"
workspace = [
name = "project_with_vcs"
organization = "test_organization"
tf_version = "1.3.2"
file_triggers_enabled = true
trigger_patterns = ["path/*"]
workspace_variables = {
"mykey" = {
value = "myvalue"
category = "terraform"
hcl = "false"
sensitive = "false"
- Emil Engfors - Initial work