Created by Sound Voltex from Aether.
Aimed to be a improved version of the default Aho's Job Triggers for Machinist.
Download ACT and Triggernometry here.
Alerts you when there is around 8 seconds (dependent on skill speed) left on Drill and Air Anchor to remind you not to press Hypercharge
Makes a less jarring "beep" when there is 2 seconds left on Drill/Air Anchor. This timing alerts you during the GCD of your last pressed Weaponskill, giving you more time to know that Drill/Air Anchor comes next.
Simple improvement to alert you when Wildfire has 60 seconds left, letting you better manage your heat gauge
Says "Reassemble Drill" to make more sense. Alerts you around 3 seconds before the Ability comes off cooldown, giving you more time to prepare.
Default triggers from Aho's Job Triggers