Feature-rich WorldEditor for PocketMine-MP
- large variety of commands
- High performance:
- async editing, allowing the server to run normally while editing in the background
- low memory consumption by splitting your actions into multiple smaller edits
- support for unique Patterns
- set blocks in effectively infinite ways
- see Pattern Documentation
- selection axe & brushes
- undo & redo your actions
- tile support
- load & save java selections (load MCEdit & Sponge format, save to Sponge)
- rotate & flip support
<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument
Command | Description | Permission | Aliases/Notice |
//pos1 [x] [y] [z] | Set the first Position | easyedit.select | //1 left click a block in creative with a wooden axe |
//pos2 [x] [y] [z] | Set the first Position | easyedit.select | //2 break a block in creative with a wooden axe |
//extend [count|vertical] | Extend the selected Area | easyedit.select | //expand Look into the direction you want to extend to |
//set <pattern> | Set the selected Area | easyedit.edit | |
//replace <block> <pattern> | Replace the selected Area | easyedit.edit | |
//naturalize [pattern] [pattern] [pattern] | Naturalize the selected Area | easyedit.edit | |
//smooth | Smooth the selected Area | easyedit.edit | |
//center [block] | Set the center Blocks (1-8) | easyedit.edit | //middle |
//walls [pattern] | Set walls of the selected area | easyedit.edit | //wall |
//sides [pattern] | Set sides of the selected area | easyedit.edit | //side |
//move <count> | Move the selected area | easyedit.edit | Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to move into |
//stack <count> | Stack the selected area | easyedit.edit | Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to stack into |
//istack <count> | Stack the selected area without overwriting existing terrain | easyedit.edit | |
//count [radius] | Count selected blocks | easyedit.select | |
//extinguish [radius] | Extinguish fire | easyedit.edit | //ext |
Command | Description | Permission | Aliases/Notice |
//undo [count] | Revert your latest change | easyedit.history easyedit.edit | |
//undo <target> [count] | Revert targets latest change | easyedit.history easyedit.edit easyedit.edit.other | Can be disabled via config |
//redo [count] | Revert your latest undo | easyedit.history easyedit.edit | |
//redo <target> [count] | Revert targets latest undo | easyedit.history easyedit.edit easyedit.edit.other | Can be disabled via config |
Command | Description | Permission | Aliases/Notice |
//copy | Copy the selected Area | easyedit.clipboard | |
//cut | Cut the selected Area | easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit | Copies and replaces with air |
//paste | Paste the Clipboard | easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit | |
//insert | Insert the Clipboard | easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit | Paste only into air blocks |
//rotate | Rotate the Clipboard | easyedit.clipboard | Rotates by 90 Degrees |
//flip | Flip the Clipboard | easyedit.clipboard | Flips on axis you look on, always uses selected point as "mirror" |
//loadschematic <schematicName> | Load a saved schematic | easyedit.readdisk easyedit.clipboard | //load |
//saveschematic <schematicName> | Save your clipboard into a schematic | easyedit.writedisk easyedit.clipboard | //save |
Command | Description | Permission | Aliases/Notice |
//sphere <radius> <pattern> | Set a sphere | easyedit.generate easyedit.edit | //sph |
//hsphere <radius> <pattern> [thickness] | Set a hollow sphere | easyedit.generate easyedit.edit | //hsph //hollowsphere |
//cylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> | Set a cylinder | easyedit.generate easyedit.edit | //cy |
//hcylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> [thickness] | Set a hollow cylinder | easyedit.generate easyedit.edit | //hcy //hollowcylinder |
//noise [type] | Generate with a simple noise function | easyedit.generate easyedit.edit |
Command | Description | Permission | Aliases/Notice |
//brush sphere [radius] [pattern] //brush smooth [radius] //brush naturalize [radius] [topBlock] [middleBlock] [bottomBlock] //brush cylinder [radius] [height] [pattern] |
Create a new Brush | easyedit.brush (To use: easyedit.edit) |
//br |
//blockinfo | Get a blockinfo stick | easyedit.util | //bi |
//status | Check on the EditThread | easyedit.manage | |
//cancel | Cancel the current task | easyedit.manage | |
//benchmark | Start a benchmark | easyedit.manage | This will create a temporary world and edit a few preset actions |
Block Patterns are just blocks, they just consist out of the name of the block or its numeric ID
- stone
- 4
- red_wool
- stone:1
The keyword "hand" represents the block you hold in your hand (or air for items/nothing) and can be used like normal blocks
The Random Pattern as it name suggests selects a random Pattern
The patterns are separated by a comma and can be used in any order
When one pattern should be more likely than another, the weighted notation can be used:
If the sum of given percentages is smaller than 100, there is a chance to not change anything:
- 80% of the selected area will not be affected
If the sum of given percentages is greater than 100, given probabilities are scaled accordingly:
- 75% will be set to stone, 25% will be set to dirt
Complex patterns follow strict rules and as such allow the creation of complex structures
Usage of Complex Patterns: patternName;arg1;arg2...(subPattern1,subPattern2...)
Complex patterns can be chained together with dots to create a logic construct:
- Replace all stone blocks with dirt and everything else with grass
Chained constructs are executed from left to right until a valid block is found, otherwise the block will stay unaffected
They can also be used with the default comma notation and are selected randomly, or in combination:
- Places either stone, wool or following the pattern described above
These Patterns allow control over when to set certain blocks
These are especially useful in complex structures or even nested:
- A 2d checkers pattern
<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument
patterns - children patterns, can be separated by a comma
Pattern | Description |
block;<block>(patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is the same as the specified block (like in //replace) |
above;<block>(patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is above the specified block |
around;<block>(patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is next to the specified block |
below;<block>(patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is below the specified block |
not(condition(patterns)) | Executes Patterns of next Pattern is false (only works when nested) |
odd;[x];[y];[z](patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is at odd coordinates at x, y and z Axis, the x, y and z can be left out (only given ones will be checked) |
even;[x];[y];[z](patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is at even coordinates (see odd for more info) |
divisible;<number>;[x];[y];[z](patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is at coordinates which are divisible by the given number (see odd for more info) |
walls;[thickness](patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is one of the walls of the selections |
sides;[thickness](patterns) | Executes Patterns if the block is one of the sides of the selections (walls + bottom and top) |
These Patterns have a unique use and are mostly used for the default commands
<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument
patterns - children patterns, can be separated by a comma
Pattern | Description |
smooth | makes your terrain smoother |
naturalize([pattern],[pattern],[pattern]) | makes your selection more natural (1 layer pattern1, 3 layers pattern2, pattern3) |