Tool for creating simple VTK unstructured grid meshes (3D prism elements) with BHEs (line elements) for use in OpenGeoSys 6 HeatTransportBHE simulations. Besides, the extraction of surface meshes and the application of temperature ICs is possible. The meshing is based on the Bhe_Meshing tool by Philip Hein (Shao et al., 2016) and uses GMSH (Geuzaine et al., 2009).
Meshes contain:
- 3D prism mesh with horizontal element layers
- A selected number of BHEs, which are represented as line elements
- Diersch's ideal node distance around BHE-elements (Diersch et al., 2011)
- A chosen number of optional horizontal refinement boxes in the mesh
- Extraction of surfacemeshes to define BC's or IC's in OpenGeoSys
- An optional temperature IC as depth dependent profile or fixed temperature which can be applied to the mesh and if needed to surfacemeshes
There are two modes in the Software:
=>"simple" Meshes:
- Simple meshes with two different material groups to be used for geological homogeneous models with an area with groundwater flow
- the software automatically adjusts the vertical layers over the user-defined default element height
- refined layers in the transition zones (BHE top/bottom, aquifer top/bottom) by user-defined number of refined layers and a separate element height for refined areas
=>"layered" Meshes:
- manual definition of any number of layers
- number of elements, height of the elements and material ID can be freely selected for each layer
For more instructions, see Meshing_example.ipynb, where there are tutorials for both meshing modes.
Diersch et al. (2011): Finite element modeling of borehole heat exchanger systems Part 2.Numerical simulation. In: Computers & Geosciences 37, pages 1136-1147.
Geuzaine C et al. (2009) Gmsh: A 3-D finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 79, pages 1309-1331.
Shao et al. (2016): Geoenergy Modeling II Shallow Geothermal Systems. Springer.