data-diff Public
Forked from datafold/data-diffCompare tables within or across databases
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 17, 2024 -
PhysicsJS Public
Forked from wellcaffeinated/PhysicsJSA modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2013 -
scrapy Public
Forked from scrapy/scrapyScrapy, a fast high-level screen scraping and web crawling framework for Python.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 23, 2013 -
BootResume Public
Forked from nealrs/BootResumerésumés that don't suck
PHP MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2013 -
PythonVerbalExpressions Public
Forked from VerbalExpressions/PythonVerbalExpressionsPython UpdatedAug 13, 2013 -
underscore.string Public
Forked from esamattis/underscore.stringString manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 24, 2013 -
seuss Public
Forked from capnrefsmmat/seussRhyming robot. Uses Markov chains to randomly generate rhyming poetry according to a specified rhymescheme. Can use multiple "personalities" (source texts) to generate humorous and surprising poems.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 21, 2013 -
DuckHunt-JS Public
Forked from MattSurabian/DuckHunt-JSDuckHunt ported to JS and HTML5 with a level creator
JavaScript UpdatedJan 30, 2013 -
jsdom Public
Forked from jsdom/jsdomA javascript implementation of the DOM, for use with node.js.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2012 -
natural Public
Forked from NaturalNode/naturalgeneral natural language facilities for node
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2012 -
jquery-clearsearch Public
Forked from validio/jquery-clearsearchClearSearch - A search input field plugin for jQuery.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 12, 2012 -
numba Public
Forked from numba/numbaNumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 24, 2012 -
backbone.marionette Public
Forked from marionettejs/backbone.marionetteMake your Backbone.js apps dance with a composite application architecture!
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 23, 2012 -
bootstrap Public
Forked from twbs/bootstrapHTML, CSS, and JS toolkit from Twitter
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 20, 2012 -
glue Public
Forked from jorgebastida/glueGlue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 19, 2012 -
geoPHP Public
Forked from phayes/geoPHPAdvanced geometry operations in PHP
PHP Other UpdatedJul 28, 2012 -
shapely Public
Forked from shapely/shapelyPython package for manipulation and analysis of features in the Cartesian plane. Official fork (and issue tracker): https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely
plupload Public
Forked from moxiecode/pluploadPlupload is a JavaScript API for dealing with file uploads it supports features like multiple file selection, file type filtering, request chunking, client side image scaling and it uses different …
g.raphael Public
Forked from DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphaelCharts for Raphaël
GeoJSON-to-Google-Maps Public
Forked from JasonSanford/geojson-google-mapsJust a simple utility to convert GeoJSON objects to Google Maps vector objects (Marker, Polyline, Polygon)
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier Public
Forked from jawj/OverlappingMarkerSpiderfierDeals with overlapping markers in Google Maps JS API v3, Google Earth-style
marker-spider-clusterer Public
Combining MarkerClusterer with OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier
node-express-twitter-bootstrap Public
Forked from dineshkummarc/node-express-twitter-bootstrapNodeJS Boostrap using Express / EJS / Twitter Bootstrap / Responsive CSS3
JavaScript UpdatedMar 6, 2012 -
php-foursquare Public
Forked from hownowstephen/php-foursquareA simple foursquare API v2 library for PHP focused on supplying core functionality without any extra bloat.
polygonzo Public
Forked from geary/polygonzoPolyGonzo - Crazy fast JavaScript polygons for Google Maps and more