SKEL: Skeleton Project
This project provides a starting point for development of projects during the course "Software Architecture". It is a simple web application offering nearly no "real" functionality. Its main purpose is to help you getting started quickly by providing a suitable starting point.
It utilizes Spring Boot and is configured as a Maven web application project with:
- all relevant Spring Framework features enabled
- embedded Tomcat with support for JSF2
- embedded H2 in-memory database (including H2 console)
- support for PrimeFaces
- basic functionality for user management and Spring web security
This project works with Java 11. Execute "mvn spring-boot:run" to start the skeleton project and connect to http://localhost:8080/ to access the skeleton web application. You may login with "admin" and "passwd".
Feel free to use this skeleton project as you see fit - but keept in mind that this project is primarilly provided to be used for educational purposes. Don't use it for production.
Contributors: Christian Sillaber Michael Brunner Clemens Sauerwein Andrea Mussmann Alexander Blaas