A small collection of hacks and cheats for Risk of Rain 2.
Actively looking for maintainers!
- Full Stat view and managment
- Performant and Robust ESP
- Item, and mob, Spawning
- Play as mobs
Right click on the project > add > Reference...
The required resources are found in > \Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
1) Assembly-CSharp.dll
2) UnityEngine.dll
3) UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll
4) UnityEngine.Networking.dll
5) UnityEngine.IMGUModule.dll
6) UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
Use your favorite mono injector. sharpmonoinjector is great
Namespace: RoRCheats
Class: Loader
Method: Load