This is a very simple VQGAN-CLIP implementation that I built as a part of my Face Editor project . This simplified version allows you to generate or edit images using text with just three lines of code. For a more full featured implementation with masking, more advanced losses, and a full GUI, check out the Face Editor project.
By default this uses a CelebA checkpoint (for generating/editing faces), but also has an imagenet checkpoint that can be loaded by specifying vqgan_config and vqgan_checkpoint when instantiating VQGAN_CLIP.
Learning rate and iterations can be set by modifying and vqgan_clip.iterations .
You can edit images by passing image_path
to the generate function.
See the generate function's docstring to learn more about how to format prompts.
The easiest way to test this out is by using the Colab demo
To install locally:
- Clone this repo
- Install git-lfs (ubuntu: sudo apt-get install git-lfs , MacOS: brew install git-lfs)
In the root of the repo run:
conda create -n vqganclip python=3.8
conda activate vqganclip
git lfs install
git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd model_checkpoints && git pull origin main
vqgan_clip = VQGAN_CLIP()
vqgan_clip.generate("a picture of a smiling woman")
vqgan_clip = VQGAN_CLIP()
vqgan_clip.generate("a picture of a smiling woman",
- Positive and negative prompts
- Multiple prompts
- Prompt Weights
- Creating GIF animations of the transformations
- Wandb logging