WeChat_Big_Data_Challenge Public
Forked from WeChat-Big-Data-Challenge-2021/WeChat_Big_Data_ChallengePython UpdatedMay 25, 2021 -
Awesome-Deep-Learning-Papers-for-Search-Recommendation-Advertising Public
Forked from guyulongcs/Awesome-Deep-Learning-Papers-for-Search-Recommendation-AdvertisingAwesome Deep Learning papers for industrial Search, Recommendation and Advertising. They focus on Embedding, Matching, Ranking (CTR prediction, CVR prediction), Post Ranking, Transfer, Reinforcemen…
AlgoNotes Public
Forked from shenweichen/AlgoNotes公众号【浅梦的学习笔记】文章汇总:包含 排序&CXR预估,召回匹配,用户画像&特征工程,推荐搜索综合 计算广告,大数据,图算法,NLP&CV,求职面试 等内容
UpdatedDec 20, 2020 -
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
vearch Public
Forked from vearch/vearchA distributed system for efficient similarity search of embedding vectors
Go Other UpdatedMar 16, 2020 -
leetcode Public
algorithm and data structure implemented in python
karateclub Public
Forked from benedekrozemberczki/karateclubA general purpose community detection and network embedding library for research built on NetworkX.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
Tool Public
Forked from liufengyuqing/ToolSome interesting sharing
GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
OpenNE Public
Forked from thunlp/OpenNEAn Open-Source Package for Network Embedding (NE)
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2020 -
GraphEmbedding Public
Forked from shenweichen/GraphEmbeddingImplementation and experiments of graph embedding algorithms.deep walk,LINE(Large-scale Information Network Embedding),node2vec,SDNE(Structural Deep Network Embedding),struc2vec
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2019 -
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 15, 2019 -
models Public
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels and examples built with TensorFlow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 3, 2019 -
Difacto_DMLC Public
Forked from CNevd/Difacto_DMLCDistributed FM and LR based on Parameter Server with Ftrl
C++ UpdatedJul 3, 2019 -
mlflow Public
Forked from mlflow/mlflowOpen source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2019 -
sparkwiki Public
wikipedia for apache spark
horovod Public
Forked from horovod/horovodDistributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
C++ Other UpdatedMay 30, 2019 -
cppzmq Public
Forked from zeromq/cppzmqHeader-only C++ binding for libzmq
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 14, 2019 -
DS-Take-Home Public
Forked from JifuZhao/DS-Take-HomeMy solution to the book A Collection of Data Science Take-Home Challenges
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2019 -
x-deeplearning Public
Forked from alibaba/x-deeplearningAn industrial deep learning framework for high-dimension sparse data
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 23, 2019 -
angel Public
Forked from Angel-ML/angelA Flexible and Powerful Parameter Server for large-scale machine learning
Java Other UpdatedJan 14, 2019 -
chatbot Public
Forked from zhaoyingjun/chatbot一个可以自己进行训练的中文聊天机器人, 根据自己的语料训练出自己想要的聊天机器人,可以用于智能客服、在线问答、智能聊天等场景。
Python UpdatedJan 12, 2019 -
face_recognition Public
Forked from ageitgey/face_recognitionThe world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 10, 2019 -
awesome-algorithm Public
Forked from apachecn/apachecn-algo-zhLeetCode, HackRank, 剑指offer, classic algorithm implementation
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 4, 2019