node v16.x.x
postgres v14.x
pgAdmin 4 (recommended)
If you already have PostgreSQL installed and have set up the password for the 'postgres' user, you can skip steps 1 and 2.
Open a terminal and switch to the postgres system user. Once you are the postgres user, access the PostgreSQL command line interface. Reset the password for the postgres user. Replace "postgres" with your desired password.
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql
$ ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';
$ \q
From pgAdmin4 open context menu for "Servers", and select Register -> Server...
General - Name: set local Server name (e.g Local)
Connection - Host name/address: localhost, Port: 5432, Username: postgres, Password: postgres (or your password from Step1)
From pgAdmin4 open context menu for local server (Local from Step 2), and select Create -> Login/Group Role...
General - Name: apexuser (.env file)
Definition - Password: qwerty12AB (.env file)
Privileges - Check all
From pgAdmin4 open context menu for local server (Local from Step 2), and select Create -> Database...
General - Database: apex (.env file)
Owner - apexuser
Instal npm packages for backend and frontend
$ cd .\web-api\
$ npm install
$ cd ..\frontend\
$ npm install
$ cd .\web-api\
# watch mode
$ npm run start:debug
$ $ cd .\frontend\
$ npm start