This application is created for testing the security scan for .NET. Also this repo include a Dockerfile for Windows Container.
.NET Framework 4.5 with downgrading to the ASP.NET MVC 5.1 nuget package. It includes vulnerability of this.
- Docker for windows
- Docker for windows swiched to windows container
- Go to "Publish" on your Visual Studio 2017
- Publish FolderProfile. It create an artifact for bin\Release\Publish
Build an image of docker. Replace the <<docker image name>>
cd VulnerableApplication
docker build -t <<docker image name>> .
It pack the artifact into the container. The image include ASP.NET with DotNet farmework 4.7.
Now you can run the container. It exposes 80 port to access the web application.
docker run <<docker image name>>
Get the IP address of the docker container
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" <<docker image name>>
access the IP address with your browser. then you can see the website.