What's Changed
- Add BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF image formats support by @rstm-sf in #42
- Fixes issue with read only documents crashing by @PrzemyslawKlys in #44
- Fixes watermark throwing when Headers aren't added first by @PrzemyslawKlys in #46
- Refactoring tests Word.Save by @rstm-sf in #50
- Allow to set default font, size, and other settings for the whole document by @PrzemyslawKlys in #48 - New fields added to WordSettings allowing setting of default values for the whole document for FontSize, FontSizeComplexScript, FontFamily and Language
public static void Example_BasicWordWithDefaultStyleChange(string folderPath, bool openWord) {
Console.WriteLine("[*] Creating standard document with different default style");
string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, "BasicWordWithDefaultStyleChange.docx");
using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
document.Settings.FontSize = 30;
document.Settings.FontFamily = "Calibri Light";
document.Settings.Language = "pl-PL";
var paragraph1 = document.AddParagraph("To jest po polsku");
var paragraph2 = document.AddParagraph("Adding paragraph1 with some text and pressing ENTER");
paragraph2.FontSize = 15;
paragraph2.FontFamily = "Courier New";
- Add
properties to WordParagraph
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1