This repo contains a Terraform module to deploy the Apiary data lake component. The module deploys various stateful components in a typical Hadoop-compatible data lake in AWS.
For more information please refer to the main Apiary project page.
- Highly Available(HA) metastore service - packaged as Docker container and running on an ECS Fargate Cluster.
- PrivateLinks - Network load balancers and VPC endpoints to enable federated access to read-only and read/write metastores.
- Managed schemas - integrated way of managing Hive schemas, S3 buckets and bucket policies.
- SNS Listener - A Hive metastore event listener to publish all metadata updates to a SNS topic, see ApiarySNSListener for more details.
- Gluesync - A metastore event listener to replay Hive metadata events in a Glue catalog.
- Metastore authorization - A metastore pre-event listener to handle authorization using Ranger.
- Grafana dashboard - If deployed in EKS, a Grafana dashboard will be created that shows S3 bucket sizes for each Apiary bucket.
- Lake Formation - Databases will be synced in Lake formation as resources to enhance access control.
Please refer to
NB: This module currently requires you to use it from a machine with bash, aws, mysql, and jq CLI tools installed.
Example module invocation:
module "apiary" {
source = "git::"
aws_region = "us-west-2"
instance_name = "test"
apiary_tags = "${var.tags}"
apiary_extra_tags_s3 = "${var.extra_tags_s3}"
private_subnets = ["subnet1", "subnet2", "subnet3"]
vpc_id = "vpc-123456"
hms_docker_image = "${aws_account}.dkr.ecr.${aws_region}"
hms_docker_version = "1.0.0"
hms_ro_cpu = "2048"
hms_rw_cpu = "2048"
hms_ro_heapsize = "8192"
hms_rw_heapsize = "8192"
apiary_log_bucket = "s3-logs-bucket"
db_instance_class = "db.t2.medium"
db_backup_retention = "7"
apiary_managed_schemas = [
schema_name = "db1",
s3_lifecycle_policy_transition_period = "30"
schema_name = "db_2",
s3_storage_class = "INTELLIGENT_TIERING"
schema_name = "secure_db",
encryption = "aws:kms" //supported values for encryption are AES256,aws:kms
admin_roles = "role1_arn,role2_arn" //kms key management will be restricted to these roles.
client_roles = "role3_arn,role4_arn" //s3 bucket read/write and kms key usage will be restricted to these roles.
customer_accounts = "account_id1,account_id2" //this will override module level apiary_customer_accounts
schema_name = "db_s3_versioning_enabled",
s3_versioning_enabled = "Enabled", // Enabled/Disabled/Suspended. Once enabled it can only be suspended
s3_versioning_expiration_days = 2 // If Enabled, default 7
apiary_customer_accounts = ["aws_account_no_1", "aws_account_no_2"]
# single policy with multiple conditions will use AND operator
# ; will create seperate policies for each condition, essentially to enable OR operator
apiary_customer_condition = <<EOF
"ForAnyValue:StringEquals": {"s3:ExistingObjectTag/security": [ "public"] };
"StringLike": {"s3:ExistingObjectTag/type": "image*" }
ingress_cidr = [""]
apiary_assume_roles = [
name = "client_name"
principals = [ "arn:aws:iam::account_number:role/cross-account-role" ]
schema_names = [ "dm","lz","test_1" ]
max_role_session_duration_seconds = "7200",
allow_cross_region_access = true
The Apiary metastore Docker image is not yet published to a public repository, you can build from this repo and then publish it to your own ECR.
In k8s deployment mode IAM roles can be attached to metastore pods either using IRSA or KIAM, module will use IRSA when oidc_provider
variable is configured, will use Kiam whne kiam_arn
variable is configured.
If you would like to ask any questions about or discuss Apiary please join our mailing list at!forum/apiary-user
This project is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
Copyright 2018-2019 Expedia, Inc.