Evaluates and Formats Units of Measurement
is a based around the SMQuantity
subclass which contains a value and a unit. A quantity can be constructed using a value wrapped in a NSNumber
and a NSString
the represents the name or symbol of a unit. Quantities can be combined by using an operator such as add
, or divide
. Quantities can also be converted to other units. Finally Quantities can be formatted as an NSString
by specifying how it should be displayed with options like names or symbols.
Build and run the UnitsKit Example
project in Xcode to see an example of evaluating and formatting quantities.
SMQuantity *oneMeter = [[SMQuantity alloc] init];
[oneMeter setValue:@1];
[oneMeter setUnit:[quantityEvaluator derivedUnitFromString:@"meter"]];
// Display in either symbols or names
[quantityFormatter stringFromQuantity:oneMeter] // 1 m
[quantityFormatter setDisplaysInTermsOfSymbols:NO];
[quantityFormatter stringFromQuantity:oneMeter]; //1 meter
// Add or multiply
[quantityEvaluator evaluateQuantity:oneMeter withQuantity: oneMeter usingOperator:@"add"]; // 2 m
[quantityEvaluator evaluateQuantity:oneMeter withQuantity: oneMeter usingOperator:@"multiply"]; // 1 m^2
Steve Moser
UnitsKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.