We use the Variational Graph Autoencoder (T. Kipf, M. Welling https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.07308) for a link prediction task on network graphs.
Variational Graph Autoencoders generate latent representations of the adjacency matrix of a graph using Graph Convolutional Networks https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.02907 and recover the adjacency matrix from this latent representation.
Run this program to Build a VGAE and train/test it on your graph. Will return the test average precision every 10 training epochs and the final ROC_Curve.
Generates the Train,Test and Validations sets from the raw .txt file.
Contains the Initialization, Sampling and Graph Convolutional Layer operations.
Definition of the class VGAE (Variational Graph Autoencoder).
The datasets are contained in the folder 'data' and correspond to text files containing the list of edges.
The first example is a small subset of the Anonymized Facebook Graph with 4k Nodes and 88k edges. A test set of positive examples containing 10% of the edges chosen at random is removed from the graph. An equal number of negative examples is sampled by randomly choosing pairs of unconnected nodes.
The algorithm achieves an average precision of roughly 99% on this test set (with 100 hidden units, and a latent vector of size 50).