This repository contains the progress report for the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Digital Strategy efforts. The repository contains three files all with the exact same content. The three files are a .json, .jsonp, and .xml file.
The content is derived from the White House Digital Strategy ( directive. This directive outlines 10 tasks to be accomplished by each agency in order to meet the needs of a next generation digital government. In partnership with OMB staff, the Federal Communications Commission has used this github repository developed by the General Services Administration, to produce these three files. The digital-strategy-report-generator uses a simple interface to allow anyone to create a report outlining the progress to date on the 10 tasks outlined in the directive.
FCC has further generated a drupal module (found here - which will allow any .gov with a drupal install to serve these progress reports (.json, .jsonp, and .xml). The value of having the served progress reports is that the White House, OMB, GSA or anyone else, will then be able to access the collection of structured data for all digital strategy progress reports. FCC will implement its drupal module on shortly. Until then, we are hosting our progress files at this github repository.