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FFSVC2022 Baseline System

0. Introduction

This repository is the FFSVC2022 baseline system, including:

  • Data preparation
  • Model training
  • Embedding extracting
  • Performance calculating

Please visit for more information about the challenge.

1. System introduction

The system adopts the online data augmentation method for model training. Please prepare the MUSAN and RIR_NOISES dataset and modify the path of './data/MUSAN/' and './data/RIR_Noise/' files as your data path. The acoustic feature extraction and data augmentation depend on the torchaudio package, please make sure your torchaudio version = 0.8.0


conda install pytorch==1.8.1 torchvision==0.9.1 torchaudio==0.8.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

Training mode

The training config is saved in "./config/*.fig" files, and the training log is saved in "exp/PATH_SAVE_DIR".

DataParallel(DP) Training

python &

DistributedDataParallel(DDP) Training

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1" nohup python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 > vox2_resnet.out 2>&1

Test mode

There are three modes for,

  • Extract speaker embedding and compute the EER and mDCF
scoring = True
onlyscoring = False
  • Extract speaker embedding
scoring = False
onlyscoring = False
  • Compute EER and mDCF
scoring = False/True
onlyscoring = True

Please set the test mode in the './exp/' before running the

python --epoch 37 &

Pretrained model

We provided the ResNet34-C32 and ECAPA-TDNN-C1024 pre-trained models for participants. The following are the pre-trained model results on the Vox-O.

Model Vox-O (EER) Download Link
ResNet34-C32 2.07% Google Drive Link
ECAPA-TDNN-C1024 1.10% Google Drive Link

2. FFSVC2022 System Pipeline

For task1,the system adopts the pre-train + finetuning strategy. First, the Vox2dev data is used to train the pre-trained model. Then, Vox2dev and FFSVC2020 data are integrated to finetuning the pre-trained model.

Data preparation -> Training Close-talking model (with Vox2dev data) -> Far-field model training (finetuning with Vox2dev and FFSVC2020 data)

For task2, the system adopts the pre-train + clustering to generate pseudo label + finetuning strategy. The pre-train step is the same as the task1. Then, all speaker embeddings from the FFSVC20 dataset are extracted using the pre-trained speaker model. We generate the pseudo labels adopting the KMeans algorithm for clustering and "elbow" method for determining the cluster number. Finally, Vox2dev with ground truth and FFSVC2020 data with pseudo label are integrated to finetuning the pre-train model.

Data preparation -> Training Close-talking model (with Vox2dev data) -> Extract embeddings of FFSVC2020 data -> Annotate the pseudo label using KMeans algorithm -> Far-field model training (finetuning with Vox2dev and FFSVC2020 data)

The results are 6.7% and 7.2% EER in the task1 and task2 dev set, receptively.


Step 1. Data preparation

The data preparation file follows the Kaldi form that participants need "wav.scp", "utt2spk" and "spk2utt" files for training dir, and "wav.scp" and "trials" for valuation dir. The "./data/Vox2dev/" shows the training example files and "./data/Vox1-O" shows the valuation example files. There are five data dir need to be prepared in the baseline system recipe:

    ./trials # with keys, download from ""
    ./trials # without keys, download from ""
./data/FFSVC2022/Vox2dev_FFSVC22/ # The combination of Vox2dev and FFSVC2020_supplement

Step 2. Training Close-talking model (training with Vox2dev data)

Modify the parameters in './config/' or './config/' before training. The default model is resnet. If you have download the pre-trained model already, please ignore the step.

python & # training with DP


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1" nohup python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 > vox2_resnet34.out 2>&1 & # training with DDP

Step 3. Training Far-field model (finetuning with Vox2dev and FFSVC2020 data)

Modify the training dir as "FFSVC2022/Vox2dev_FFSVC22/" and valuation dir as "FFSVC2022/dev/" before finetuning.

(if you have download pre-trained model, please put the model into the "save_dir" (in config file) and change the "start_epoch" as 38 (resnet pre-trained model) the and running:

python &


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1" nohup python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 > vox2_resnet34_ft.out 2>&1 &

Note that: Since the development set of FFSVC2022 contains about 68,543 audios, it is strongly recommended to comment on the validation code in "" or "".

Step 4. Valuation model

Modify './config/' as the following content,

val_dir = 'PATH_FFSVC2022/dev'
save_name = 'dev'
scoring = True
onlyscoring = False

and running with corresponding model number

python --epoch 37 &


Step 1. Data preparation

Same as task1.

Step 2. Training Close-talking model (with Vox2dev data)

Same as task1.

Step 3. Extract embeddings of FFSVC2020 data

Modify './config/' as the following content,

val_dir = 'FFSVC2020_supplementary'
save_name = 'supplementary'
scoring = False
onlyscoring = False

and running

python --epoch 37 &

Step 4. Annotate the pseudo lebels using KMeans algorithm

Visit KMeans_for_task2.ipynb

Step 5. Far-field model training (finetuning with Vox2dev and FFSVC2020 data)

After Step 4., concatenate the FFSVC2020 supplement set (with pseudo labels) and Vox2dev dat (with ground truth)

mkdir ./data/Vox2dev_FFSVC20sup_task2/
cat ./data/FFSVC2020_supplement/wav.scp ./data/Vox2dev/wav.scp > ./data/Vox2dev_FFSVC20sup_task2/wav.scp
cat ./data/FFSVC2020_supplement/round1_utt2spk_c100 ./data/Vox2dev/utt2spk > ./data/Vox2dev_FFSVC20sup_task2/utt2spk
cd ./data/Vox2dev_FFSVC20sup_task2/ && ../../tools/ <utt2spk > spk2utt

then modify the "config.config_resnet_ft_task2" as Config in "", and change the other config parameters. Then running,

python &

Repeat Step 4. and Step 5. until the performance is stable on the FFSVC2022 development set.




[1] The 2022 Far-field Speaker Verification Challenge: Exploring domain mismatch and semi-supervised learning under the far-field scenarios

Author = {Xiaoyi Qin and Ming Li and Hui Bu and Shrikanth Narayanan and Haizhou Li},
Title = {The 2022 Far-field Speaker Verification Challenge: Exploring domain mismatch and semi-supervised learning under the far-field scenarios},
Year = {2022},
Eprint = {arXiv:2209.05273},

[2] On-the-Fly Data Loader and Utterance-Level Aggregation for Speaker and Language Recognition

  author={Cai, Weicheng and Chen, Jinkun and Zhang, Jun and Li, Ming},
  journal={IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing}, 
  title={On-the-Fly Data Loader and Utterance-Level Aggregation for Speaker and Language Recognition}, 

[3] An Iterative Framework for Self-Supervised Deep Speaker Representation Learning

  author={Cai, Danwei and Wang, Weiqing and Li, Ming},
  booktitle={ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, 
  title={An Iterative Framework for Self-Supervised Deep Speaker Representation Learning}, 


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